Javascript implementation of least recently used cache
least recently used cache implemented using ES6 and Babel
Run the following command:
npm install js-lrucache
Below are the ES6 code demo:
import LRUCache from 'js-lrucache';
let cache = new LRUCache(4); // max capacity is 4
cache.put('a', { value: 1 });
cache.put('b', { value: 2 });
cache.put('c', { value: 3 });
cache.put('d', { value: 4 });
console.log(cache.size()); // display 4
cache.put('e', { value: 5 }); // 'a' gets removed as capacity is only 4 and 'a' is the oldest item stored
console.log(cache.size()); // display 4;
console.log(cache.get('a')); // display undefined as cache now contains only 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
cache.get('b'); // 'b' has been access recently
cache.put('f', { value: 6 }); // 'c' gets removed as 'b' access more recently than 'c'
console.log(cache.get('b')); // display { value: 2 }
console.log(cache.get('c')); // display undefined as 'c' has been removed
let cache2 = cache.deepCopy();
console.log(cache2.get('b')); // display { value: 2 }
Below are the Javascript code demo:
var LRUCache = require('js-lrucache').default;
let cache = new LRUCache(4); // max capacity is 4
cache.put('a', { value: 1 });
cache.put('b', { value: 2 });
cache.put('c', { value: 3 });
cache.put('d', { value: 4 });
console.log(cache.size()); // display 4
cache.put('e', { value: 5 }); // 'a' gets removed as capacity is only 4 and 'a' is the oldest item stored
console.log(cache.size()); // display 4;
console.log(cache.get('a')); // display undefined as cache now contains only 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
cache.get('b'); // 'b' has been access recently
cache.put('f', { value: 6 }); // 'c' gets removed as 'b' access more recently than 'c'
console.log(cache.get('b')); // display { value: 2 }
console.log(cache.get('c')); // display undefined as 'c' has been removed
let cache2 = cache.deepCopy();
console.log(cache2.get('b')); // display { value: 2 }