A browserify build of js-git that uses promises by default
A build of js-git that is made to run
in the browser via browserify and uses promises by default (that can be used in
combination with await
var modes = jsgit.modes,
repo = jsgit.createRepo();
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// initial commit
var author = {name: "Robert Krahn", email: "[email protected]", date: new Date()};
var changes = [
{path: "test.txt", mode: modes.file, content: "some content"},
{path: "test2.txt", mode: modes.file, content: "some more content"},
{path: "dir/test3.txt", mode: modes.file, content: "foo bar baz"},
var commitHash = await commitChanges(changes, author, "test")
async function commitChanges(changes, author, message = "empty commit message", date = author.date || new Date(), parents = []) {
Object.assign({}, author, {date});
var tree = await repo.createTree(changes),
commitHash = await repo.saveAs("commit", {tree, author, message, parents});
return repo.updateRef("refs/heads/master", commitHash);
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// load commit
await loadFilesFromCommit(commitHash)
async function loadFilesFromCommit(commitHash, readAs) {
var {tree} = await repo.loadAs("commit", commitHash)
return loadFilesFromTree(tree, readAs);
async function loadFilesFromTree(treeHash, readAs = "text") {
// readAs = "text"|"blob"
var textObjs = [], reader = await repo.treeWalk(treeHash), obj;
while (obj = await reader.read()) {
if (obj.mode !== modes.file) continue;
textObjs.push(Object.assign({content: await repo.loadAs(readAs, obj.hash)}, obj))
return textObjs;
// Create a repo by creating a plain object.
var repo = jsgit.createRepo();
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// First we create a blob from a string. The `formats` mixin allows us to
// use a string directly instead of having to pass in a binary buffer.
// echo 'Hello World' | git hash-object -w --stdin
var blobHash = await repo.saveAs("blob", "Hello World\n");
// Now we create a tree that is a folder containing the blob as `greeting.txt`
var treeHash = await repo.saveAs("tree", {
"greeting.txt": { mode: jsGit.modes.file, hash: blobHash }
// With that tree, we can create a commit.
// Again the `formats` mixin allows us to omit details like committer, date,
// and parents. It assumes sane defaults for these.
var commitHash = await repo.saveAs("commit", {
author: {
name: "Tim Caswell",
email: "[email protected]"
tree: treeHash,
message: "Test commit\n"
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
var fileAsText = await repo.loadAs("text", blobHash);
// Also if you prefer array format, you can load a directory as an array.
var entries = await repo.loadAs("array", treeHash);
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
var logStream = await repo.logWalk(commitHash);
// Looping through the stream is easy by repeatedly calling waiting on `read`.
var commit, object;
while (commit = await logStream.read(), commit !== undefined) {
// We can also loop through all the files of each commit version.
var treeStream = await repo.treeWalk(commit.tree);
while (object = await treeStream.read(), object !== undefined) {
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
var headHash = await repo.readRef("refs/heads/master");
var commit = await repo.loadAs("commit", headHash);
var tree = await repo.loadAs("tree", commit.tree);