This library provides a comprehensive set of utility functions for various common tasks, including date calculations, formatting, masking, normalizing data, and validation
Utility JavaScript Functions Library 📚
Welcome to the Utility JavaScript Functions Library! This library provides a comprehensive set of utility functions for various common tasks, including date calculations, formatting, masking, normalizing data, and validation. Each function is designed to make your development process easier and more efficient.
Table of Contents
Getting Started ✈️
if using npm:
$ npm install js-essential-kit --save
if using yarn:
$ yarn add js-essential-kit
if using pnpm:
$ pnpm install js-essential-kit
Calculate Age
- Calculates the age based on the given birth date.
import { calculateAge } from 'js-essential-kit'
calculateAge('2000-01-01') // Ex: 23 anos
Convert Date Format
- Converts a date string to a different format.
import { convertDateFormat } from 'js-essential-kit'
convertDateFormat('2024-06-26') // Ex: '26/06/2024'
convertDateFormat('26/06/2024') // Ex: '2024-06-26'
Format Real
formatReal(amount: number | string): string
Formats a number or string as Brazilian Real currency.
import { formatReal } from 'js-essential-kit'
formatReal(1234.56) // Ex: 'R$ 1.234,56'
Format Round
- Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
import { formatRound } from 'js-essential-kit'
formatRound(4.567) // Ex: 5
Format Decimal
- Formats a number to two decimal places.
import { formatDecimal } from 'js-essential-kit'
formatDecimal(1234.56) // Ex: '1234,56'
CPF or CNPJ Mask
- Applies CPF or CNPJ mask to a string.
import { cpfOrCnpjMask } from 'js-essential-kit'
cpfOrCnpjMask('12345678909')) // Ex CPF: '123.456.789-09'
cpfOrCnpjMask('68451802000151')) // EX CNPJ: '68.451.802/0001-51'
Brazilian Zipcode Mask
- Applies Brazilian zipcode mask to a string.
import { brazilianZipcodeMask } from 'js-essential-kit'
brazilianZipcodeMask('12345678') // Ex: '12345-678'
Brazilian Telephone Mask
- Applies Brazilian telephone mask to a string.
import { brazilianTelephoneMask } from 'js-essential-kit'
brazilianTelephoneMask('21987654321') // Ex: '(21) 98765-4321'
Global Cellphone Mask
- Applies a global cellphone mask based on country.
import { globalCellphoneMask } from 'js-essential-kit'
globalCellphoneMask('US', '1234567890') // Ex: '+1 (123) 456-7890'
Clear Mask
- Clears any mask from a string.
import { clearMask } from 'js-essential-kit'
clearMask('123.456.789-09')) // Ex: '12345678909'
Normalize Name
- Normalizes a name string.
import { normalizeName } from 'js-essential-kit'
normalizeName(' João da Silva ') // Ex: 'João Da Silva'
Array to String with Quotes
- Converts an array of strings to a single string with each item in quotes.
import { arrayToStringWithQuotes } from 'js-essential-kit'
arrayToStringWithQuotes(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']) // Ex: '"apple", "banana", "cherry"'
- Checks if array is empty.
import { isEmpty } from 'js-essential-kit'
isEmpty([]) // Ex: true
- Checks if array is not empty.
import { isNotEmpty } from 'js-essential-kit'
isNotEmpty(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']) // Ex: true
Base64 Encoding
- Encodes a string in base64.
import { base64Encoding } from 'js-essential-kit'
base64Encoding('Hello, World!') // Ex: 'SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=='
Base64 Deconding
- Decodes a base64 string.
import { base64Decoding } from 'js-essential-kit'
base64Decoding('SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==') // Ex: 'Hello, World!'
Generate Random Number
- Generates a random number between min and max.
import { generateRandomNumber } from 'js-essential-kit'
generateRandomNumber(1, 10) // Ex: 7
Generate Random String
- Generates a random string of specified length.
import { generateRandomString } from 'js-essential-kit'
generateRandomString(5, 10) // Ex: 'aBcDeF'
Generate Range
- Generates an array of numbers from 0 to quantity-1.
import { generateRange } from 'js-essential-kit'
generateRange(5) // Ex: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Create Slug
- Creates a URL-friendly slug from a string.
import { createSlug } from 'js-essential-kit'
createSlug('Olá Mundo!') // 'ola-mundo'
Limit String
- Limits the length of a string, optionally adding ellipsis.
import { limitString } from 'js-essential-kit'
// Limits a string to the specified length, optionally adding an ellipsis.
limitString('Hello World', 10, true)) // Ex: 'Hello W...'
Find LowestValue
- Finds the lowest value in an option group.
import { findLowestValue } from 'js-essential-kit'
const options = {
options: [{ value: '10' }, { value: '5' }, { value: '20' }],
findLowestValue(options) // Ex: { value: '5' }
Generate Time Slots
- Generates a set of time slots.
import { generateTimeSlots } from 'js-essential-kit'
/* [
{ index: 0, key: '00:00 - 02:00', value: 0 },
{ index: 1, key: '02:00 - 04:00', value: 0 },
{ index: 11, key: '22:00 - 00:00', value: 0 }
] */
Create First And Lastname
- Splits a full name into first and last name.
import { createFirstAndLastName } from 'js-essential-kit'
createFirstAndLastName('John Michael Doe') // Ex: 'John Michael'
Calculate Distance In KM
- Calculates the distance in kilometers.
import { calculateDistanceInKm } from 'js-essential-kit'
calculateDistanceInKm(1500) // Ex: 1.5
Is Empty Object
- Checks if an object is empty.
import { isEmptyObject } from 'js-essential-kit'
isEmptyObject({}) // Ex: true
Round To Two
- Rounds a number to two decimal places.
import { roundToTwo } from 'js-essential-kit'
roundToTwo(123.456) // Ex: 123.46
Find Max
- Finds the maximum value in an array.
import { findMax } from 'js-essential-kit'
findMax([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // Ex: 5
Find Min
- Finds the minimum value in an array.
import { findMin } from 'js-essential-kit'
findMin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // Ex: 1
Remove Duplicates
- Removes duplicate values from an array.
import { removeDuplicates } from 'js-essential-kit'
removeDuplicates([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]) // Ex: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Capitalize Words
- Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.
import { capitalizeWords } from 'js-essential-kit'
capitalizeWords('hello world') // Ex: 'Hello World'
- Validates a Brazilian CPF.
import { brazilianCpfValidator } from 'js-essential-kit'
brazilianCpfValidator('123.456.789-09') // Ex: true ou false
Brazilian CNPJ Validator
- Validates a Brazilian CNPJ.
import { brazilianCnpjValidator } from 'js-essential-kit'
brazilianCnpjValidator('12.345.678/0001-95') // Ex: true ou false
Email Is Valid
- Validates an email address.
import { emailIsValid } from 'js-essential-kit'
emailIsValid('[email protected]') // Ex: true ou false
Name Is Valid
- Validates a name string.
import { nameIsValid } from 'js-essential-kit'
nameIsValid('John Doe') // Ex: true ou false
Fullname Is Valid
- Validates a full name string.
import { fullnameIsValid } from 'js-essential-kit'
fullnameIsValid('John Doe') // Ex: { valid: true, message: '' }
fullnameIsValid('John Doe') // Ex: { valid: false, message: 'No extra spaces allowed' }
Valid Name And Lastname
- Validates a name with last name.
import { validNameAndLastName } from 'js-essential-kit'
validNameAndLastName('John Doe') // Ex: true ou false
Brazilian TelephoneValidator
- Validates a Brazilian telephone number.
import { brazilianTelephoneValidator } from 'js-essential-kit'
brazilianTelephoneValidator('(21) 98765-4321') // Ex: true ou false
Birthdate Is 18 Plus
- Checks if the birthdate is 18 years or older, with an option to allow minors.
import { birthdateIs18Plus } from 'js-essential-kit'
birthdateIs18Plus('2000-01-01', false)) // Ex: true ou false
Password Strong Validator
- Validates the strength of a password.
import { passwordStrongValidator } from 'js-essential-kit'
// Ex: { passwordIsValid: true }
// Ex: { passwordIsValid: false, errors: ['passwordLength', 'noNumber', 'noUpperCaseLetter', 'noLowerCaseLetter'] }
Contributions are what make the open source community an incredible place to learn, inspire and create. Any contribution you make will be much appreciated.
- Fork the project
- Create a Branch for your Feature (
git checkout -b feature/newFeature
) - Add your changes (
git add .
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add new feature!
) - Push the Branch (
git push origin feature/newFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Feel free to contribute to this project or suggest new features. Happy coding! 😊
| Julio Sousa | | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
The Apache 2.0 (APACHE 2.0)