This is a package that contains many front-end common js methods.
This is a npm package that contains a number of commonly used JavaScript methods.
- Use the npm command to install:npm install --save js-base-methods
- Or copy the contents of the base_methods.js file in the root directory into the js file you created yourself.
- Import the methods you need using ES6:import {METHOD_NAME} from 'js-base-methods'
1.The getCookie method is used to get the value of the specified key in the cookie.
@param name {string} // the key in cookie
@return {string} // the value in cookie
2.The getUrlParam method is used to get the value of the specified parameter in the URL.
@param name {string} // the parameter key in the URL
@return {string} // the parameter value in the URL
3.The objIsEmpty method is used to determine if a js object is an empty object.
@param obj {object} // the js object to be judged
@return {boolean} // True is empty, false is not empty.
4.The formatTime method is used to format time.
@param time {string|number} // timestamp in seconds
@param resType {string|number} // The format of the returned string, which defaults to 1.
// resType=1, the format is 2018-04-28
// resType=2, the format is 2018-04-28 18:00:00
// resType=3, the format is 18:00:00
@param connector {string} // Year, month, day connector, default is '-'.
@return {string} // formatted time
5.The countDown method for countdown
@param callback {function} // Callback function, which will be passed three string type parameters, respectively countdown hours, minutes, seconds.
@param endTime {string} // countdown end time, such as: 2018/4/28 18:00:00
@param startTime {string} // countdown start time, such as: 2018/5/1, the default is now.
6.The getMobileOperatingSystem method is used to get the current operating system type.
@return {string} // operating system type, such as 'Windows Phone','Android','iOS' or 'unknow'