An ascii art parser and renderer
(jsAscii) is a JavaScript utility library for serializing and rendering ASCII art in the browser. It takes ASCII art following the format of neofetch's ascii art, and converts it into a processable array.
The rendering engine can be used to render the arrays into various serialized formats, including HTML and most consoles. The library additionally allows the specification of custom output formats via an internal API.
via npm
npm i -S js-ascii
How to use
Require the jsAscii module and use the api as demonstrated below:
const jsAscii = require('js-ascii');
// converts raw string art to a raw JavaScript array implementation
const formattedArt = jsAscii.convert("${c1}Hello ${c2}World");
const colorizedHTML = jsAcii.renderToHTML(formattedArt, {
// any valid CSS color
styles: {
1: 'red',
2: '#00f',
// outputs: <span style="color:red">Hello </span><span style="color:#00f">World</span>
const colorizedConsole = jsAcii.renderToTTY(formattedArt, {
// specific console color cold (Number) or
// string name
styles: {
1: 'red',
2: 'blue',
// outputs: Hello World
// (colorized version logo for STDOUT/console)
If using a bundling utility, you can include the module the same way you would include the Node.js api. Otherwise, concatenated dist files can also be loaded in.
Pre-transpiled import (ES5)
If you are using browser modules (or not using babel), an ES5 friendly version can be included like so:
// standard import
import jsAscii from 'js-ascii';
import { convert, renderToHTML } from 'js-ascii';
// named imports (for improved tree shaking)
import convert from 'js-ascii/dist/lib/convert';
import renderToHTML from 'js-ascii/dist/lib/formats/html';
// full dist IFFE (for environments without bundlers)
import 'js-acii/dist/client';
Non-transpiled (ES2015+)
If you are using your own post-process transpiler, you can include the full non-transpiled implementation like so:
// standard import
import jsAscii from 'js-ascii/source';
import { convert, renderToHTML } from 'js-ascii/source';
// named imports (for improved tree shaking)
import convert from 'js-ascii/lib/convert';
import renderToHTML from 'js-ascii/lib/formats/html';
// full dist IFFE (for environments without bundlers)
import 'js-acii/dist/condensed';
API documentation
Coming soon (refer to included inline /lib
A simple single-page HTML application has also been included in /editor
of this repository.
At the bottom of the page, both of the compiled outputs will be updated as the input field changes (or when a page click occurs). Other useful functionality is shown within the editor itself.