Restrict what characters that may be entered into text fields. Supports alphanumeric, alphabetic or numeric. Easy to use. Fully customisable. Cross Browser compatible.
jQuery Alphanum
Restricts the characters that may be entered into a text field.
Restrict the input to alphanumeric characters
Override some of the default settings
allowSpace: false, // Allow the space character
allowUpper: false // Allow Upper Case characters
Available settings plus their default values
allow : 'abc', // Allow extra characters
disallow : 'xyz', // Disallow extra characters
allowSpace : true, // Allow the space character
allowNewline : true, // Allow the newline character \n ascii 10
allowNumeric : true, // Allow digits 0-9
allowUpper : true, // Allow upper case characters
allowLower : true, // Allow lower case characters
allowCaseless : true, // Allow characters that do not have both upper & lower variants
// eg Arabic or Chinese
allowLatin : true, // a-z A-Z
allowOtherCharSets : true, // eg é, Á, Arabic, Chinese etc
forceUpper : false, // Convert lower case characters to upper case
forceLower : false, // Convert upper case characters to lower case
maxLength : NaN // eg Max Length
Convenience values for commonly used settings
is equivalent to
allowNumeric : false,
allowUpper : true,
allowLower : false,
allowCaseless : true
List of convenience values
"alpha" : {
allowNumeric : false
"upper" : {
allowNumeric : false,
allowUpper : true,
allowLower : false,
allowCaseless : true
"lower" : {
allowNumeric : false,
allowUpper : false,
allowLower : true,
allowCaseless : true
Restrict the input to numeric characters
Override some of the default settings
allowMinus : false,
allowThouSep : false
Available settings plus their default values
allowPlus : false, // Allow the + sign
allowMinus : true, // Allow the - sign
allowThouSep : true, // Allow the thousands separator, default is the comma eg 12,000
allowDecSep : true, // Allow the decimal separator, default is the fullstop eg 3.141
allowLeadingSpaces : false,
maxDigits : NaN, // The max number of digits
maxDecimalPlaces : NaN, // The max number of decimal places
maxPreDecimalPlaces : NaN, // The max number digits before the decimal point
max : NaN, // The max numeric value allowed
min : NaN // The min numeric value allowed
Convenience values for commonly used settings
Equivalent to
allowPlus: false,
allowMinus: true,
allowThouSep: false,
allowDecSep: false
List of convenience values
"integer" : {
allowPlus: false,
allowMinus: true,
allowThouSep: false,
allowDecSep: false
"positiveInteger" : {
allowPlus: false,
allowMinus: false,
allowThouSep: false,
allowDecSep: false
Restrict the input to alphabetic characters
Equivalent to the convenience option
To unbind jquery.alphaum from an element
jquery.alphanum works by maintaining a blacklist of non-alphanumeric characters. There is no whitelist. It is assumed that all unicode characters are permissable unless there is a specific rule that disallows them.
These are the blacklisted characters that are encodable using 7-bit ascii
var blacklist = '!@#$%^&*()+=[]\\\';,/{}|":<>?~`.- _';
These are the blacklisted unicode characters that can't be encoded using 7-bit ascii
var blacklist =
"\xAC" // ¬
+ "\u20AC" // €
+ "\xA3" // £
+ "\xA6" // ¦
The blacklist may be extended or reduced using the 'allow' and 'disallow' settings
allow : '&,;', // Specify characters to allow
disallow : 'xyz' // Specify characters to disallow
To change the characters that are used as numeric separators, use the following global method:
thousandsSeparator: " ",
decimalSeparator: ","
Developer Setup
Install node.js
# Install grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the development server:
The server scans the source code for changes and automatically runs eslint, unit tests and e2e tests.