jQuery SlideOutPanel is a jQuery Plugin to add a sliding out panel.
jQuery SlideOutPanel
Simple jQuery Plugin to add a sliding out panel.
npm install --save-dev jquery-slideoutpanel
The html must be set up with the proper id and internal elements.
Allowed tags: <header>
Optional tags: <header>
Required tag: <section>
<div id="slide-out-panel" class="slide-out-panel">
<header>Panel Title</header>
<section>Panel content section</section>
<footer>Panel footer</footer>
Name | Type | Default | Options | Description
:----- | :------ | :----- | :----- | :-----
bodyPush | boolean | false | true false| Enables pushing the body when the tab opens (works with slideFrom right and left
breakpoint | String | 768px | | Sets the breakpoint (matches the breakpoint in SCSS/CSS). This is used when bodyPush is true
closeBtn | html | ✕
✕ | | Add a custom close button instead of the default
closeBtnSize | String | 12px | | Adjust the close button size
enableEscapeKey | Boolean | false | true false | Enables the esc key to close all panels
offsetTop | String | 0 | | Offset the top of the panel
screenClose | Boolean | true | true false | Enables closing of panels by clicking on the background screen.
screenOpacity | String | 0.5 | | Set the background screen's opacity
screenZindex | String | 9998 | | Set the background screen's z-index
showScreen | Boolean | true | true false | Enable/Disable showing the background screen
slideFrom | String | right | top right bottom left | Set to choose where the panel should slide out from
transition | String | ease | | Set the transition-timing-function. Accepts the standard values used with CSS.
transitionDuration | String | 0.35s | | Set the duration of the transitions. Adding "s" is optional.
width | String | 350px | | Set the panels width
bodyPush: false,
closeBtn: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
closeBtnSize: '',
enableEscapeKey: true,
offsetTop: '50px',
screenClose: false,
screenOpacity: '1',
screenZindex: '9998',
showScreen: false,
slideFrom: 'right',
transition: 'ease',
transitionDuration: '0.35s',
width: '350px',
Name | Description :----- | :----- rendered | Fired after the panel is finished building beforeOpen | Fired before panel opens afterOpen | Fired after panel has opened beforeClosed | Fired before panel is closed afterClosed | Fired after the panel is closed
rendered() {
// Some code...
beforeOpen() {
// Some code...
afterOpen() {
// Some code...
beforeClosed() {
// Some code...
afterClosed() {
// Some code...
Name | Description :----- | :----- open | Opens the panel close | Closes the panel toggle | Toggles the panel open/close destroy | Removes the panel from the DOM
const slideOutPanel = $('#slide-out-panel').SlideOutPanel();
Sass Variables
Variable | Default | Description
:----- | :----- | :-----
$pieces-padding | 15px | Padding for the panel pieces (header, section, footer)
$so-screen-sm | 768px | Responsive breakpoint
$so-close-btn-color | #000 | Color of the close button
$so-close-font-size | 12px | Font size of the close button
$so-container-background | #fff | The panel background color
$so-container-box-shadow | -3px 3px 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) | The panel box shadow
$so-container-transition | top ease, right ease, bottom ease, left ease | Transition effect
$so-container-z-index | 9999 | The panel z-index
$so-content-no-header-padding-top | $pieces-padding * 2 | The top padding of the <section>
when there is no header
$so-header-background-color | #fff | The header background color
$so-header-border-color | #e5e5e5 | The header bottom border color
$so-header-border-width | 1px | The header border width
$so-content-background-color | #fff | The <section>
background color
$so-footer-background-color | #fff | The <footer>
background color
Initialize plugin:
Changing the direction the panel slides out from:
slideFrom: 'top',
slideFrom: 'right',
slideFrom: 'bottom',
slideFrom: 'left',
Close button customization:
closeBtn: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
closeBtnSize: '18px',
Background screen customization:
screenClose: true,
screenOpacity: '0.5',
screenZindex: '9998',
showScreen: true,
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Copyright (c) 2020 WebDevNerdStuff Licensed under the MIT license.