A better way to generate jql
The what
When string interpolation jql is not enough, yes I have this problem
The goal
Make it impossible to generate invalid jql with a simple yet complex api
- ✔️ Simple
- 🧪 Well tested (I use this myself in my semi big projects)
- 👌 Follows SQL order by priority info
- 🤘 Impossible to generate invalid JQL (please open an issue if you found an edge-case)
Quick start 🧙
import { jql } from "jqlgen";
jql({ left: "summary", sign: "=", right: "nice" })
left: "summary",
sign: "!=",
right: "look mom, im cool",
jql({ left: "foo", sign: "in", right: [1, 2, 3] }).and({
left: "bar",
sign: "!=",
right: 2,
.orderBy({ field: "issuekey", type: "asc" })
// ((summary = 'nice') and (summary != 'look mom, im cool') or ((foo in (1,2,3)) and (bar != 2))) order by issuekey asc
Injecting unknown jql statements
For example when you want to integrate unknown jql queries into your own, for example from a Jira filter, there exists a simple function for that
jql().injectExternal("a = 'b' order by summary asc");
This is pretty the same as calling
jql({ left: "a", sign: "=", right: "b" }).orderBy({ field: "summary", type: "asc" });
⚠️ Note: jql validation is out of scope for this package, therefore you are responsible for calling injectExternal
with valid jql strings
A note about order by
You can call order by at any level, it gets resolved like this:
final string output: [parent] asc/desc, [child-parent] asc/desc, [child-child-parent] asc/desc
It's not the other way around, because jql sorts the first field the last, I will try to maintain sql behavior so I am reversing it
An example
const output = jql()
.and(jql().orderBy({ field: "child", type: "asc" }))
.orderBy({ field: "parent", type: "asc" });
expect(output.toString()).toBe("order by parent asc, child asc");
declare class JqlGen {
constructor(statement?: JqlStatement);
and(statement: JqlGen | JqlStatement): JqlGen;
or(statement: JqlGen | JqlStatement): JqlGen;
orderBy(orderByItem: OrderByOperator): JqlGen;
injectExternal(str: string): JqlGen;
toString(): string;
/** if you're lazy, hey I don't blame you, tiny wrapper to not spam new new new */
declare function jql(statement?: JqlStatement): JqlGen;
Nest as much as you want
Yes, you can go wild like this
const output = jql({
left: "c",
sign: "<",
right: "d",
jql({ left: "e", sign: "~", right: "f" }).or(
jql({ left: "g", sign: ">", right: "h" })
jql({ left: "i", sign: "=", right: "j" }).or(
jql({ left: "k", sign: "!=", right: "l" }).and(
jql({ left: "m", sign: "is not", right: "n" }).or(
jql({ left: "o", sign: "in", right: ["p", "q", "r"] })
left: "s",
sign: "not in",
right: ["t", "u", "v"],
jql({ left: "w", sign: "!~", right: "x" }).and(
jql({ left: "y", sign: "was", right: "z" }).or(
left: "aa",
sign: "was in",
right: "bb",
left: "cc",
sign: "was not in",
right: "dd",
field: "one",
type: "desc",
field: "two",
type: "asc",
.orderBy({ field: "three", type: "desc" })
// ((c < 'd') and ((e ~ 'f') or ((g > 'h') and ((i = 'j') or ((k != 'l') and ((m is not 'n') or ((o in ('p','q','r')) and ((s not in ('t','u','v')) or ((w !~ 'x') and ((y was 'z') or ((aa was in 'bb') and (cc was not in 'dd')))))))))))) order by three desc, two asc, one desc
Of course, your app should dynamically generate this stuff