A multi-series SVG progress bar component made with Svelte 3. It can be rendered both as a linear or radial progressbar.
A multi-series SVG progress bar component made with Svelte 3. It can be rendered both as a linear or radial progressbar. Progression bars and values are fully animated.
If rendered as a linear progressbar there are 2 styles supported:
- Standard: uses svg masks to display inverted text color for the value.
- Thin: the progression bars are rendered as thin bars and the values are placed externally
No dependencies, only 20kb when minified (6.5kb gzipped)!
From npm
npm i @okrad/svelte-progressbar
Using in a standard npm module
import ProgressBar from '@okrad/svelte-progressbar';
const pb = new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo'),
props: {
series: 20
Using in a Svelte app
import App from './App.svelte';
const app = new App({
target: document.body,
props: {
series: [20, 42]
export default app;
import ProgressBar from "@okrad/svelte-progressbar";
export let series = [];
let bar;
const updateBar = values => {
values.forEach((v, i) => bar.updatePerc(v, i));
const resetBar = () => updateBar([0, 0]);
<ProgressBar {series} bind:this={bar} />
<button on:click={() => updateBar([100, 100])}>update</button>
<button on:click={resetBar}>reset</button>
Building from source
npm run build
Creates unminified index.js and index.css files.
npm run dist
Creates minified index.js and index.css files.
Either way, include index.js/index.css in your html file, then instantiate the component:
const pb = new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo'),
props: {
series: 20
This creates a standard progressbar with 20% progression.
const pb = new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo'),
style: 'radial',
props: {
series: [20, 10]
This creates a radial progressbar with 2 series (20% + 10%).
Take a look at some working examples!
ProgressBar(options): The constructor. Available props are:
- series (number | object | array): for single series progressbars, it can be a number indicating the progression percentage (0-100), or a json object with "perc" and "color" properties. For example:
series: 42
series: [10, 32]
series: [
perc: 10,
color: '#5AB6DF'
perc: 32,
color: '#65CEA7'
- style: can be "standard" (default), "thin" or "radial"
- width: determines the width of the whole component
- height: determines the height of the svg viewbox. If not specified, it defaults to the 14% of the viewbox width for standard progressbars, 1% of the viewbox width for thin progressbars, and to the 100% of the viewbox width for radial ones.
- thickness: used only for radial progress bars. It determines the thickness of the bar as a unitless number between 0 and 50 (corresponding to the ray of the circle).
- textSize: the size of the font (in percentage) for the progression value (default: 30 for thin progressbars, 70 for default progressbar, 150 for radial)
updatePerc(perc, seriesId = 0): update the specified series progress percentage
2019/08/07: Added dist task
2019/08/06: Refactored thin progressbars
2019/08/02: Added textSize parameter
2019/08/01: Handled svg viewport (width/height) while keeping proportions