NPM Package for Mysql
- This is the one of Backend Support NPM Package with Node.js
- in this package the developer not need to type sql Queries
v1.0.0 - 07 May 2024
- initial release of Project
v1.1.0 - 17 May 2024
- Updating NPM Package
- Adding Sending Email
v1.2.0 - 23 May 2024
- Updating NPM Package
- Adding Select Data by AND , OR
v1.3.0 - 24 May 2024
- Updating NPM Package
- Adding Search data Function
- in order to this NPM package there are 6 functions
v1.0.0 - 07 May 2024
| Function | Description | |-----|------| | ConnectToDatabase(host, user, password, database) | to connect to Mysql Server | | SelectAllData(connection, tableName, callback) | Select all data in named table in database | | SelectData(connection, tableName, columnsData, callback) | Select one Recode according to Given column and value | | insertData(connection, tableName, data, callback) | Insert data to named table | | updateDataById(connection, tableName, UpdateColumn, id, newData, callback) | Update the data according to given column and value | | deleteDataById(connection, tableName, DeleteColumn, id, callback) | Delete the data according to given column and value |
v1.1.0 - 17 May 2024
| Function | Description | |-----|------| | SendEmailConfig(EmailService, from, Senderpass) | confiarate the email trasnporter | | SendEmailTo(transporter, EmailFrom, EmailTo, EmailSubject, EmailBody) | Sending Email in Here 5 Veriables |
v1.2.0 - 23 May 2024
| Function | Description | |-----|------| | SelectByAnd(connection, tableName, dataColumns, conditions, callback) | AND operation Select Data | | SelectByOR(connection, tableName, dataColumns, conditions, callback) | OR operation Select Data |
v1.3.0 - 24 May 2024
| Function | Description | |-----|------| | SearchData(connection, tableName, searchColumns, callback) | Seacrch data using LIKE |
v1.4.0 - 25 May 2024
| Function | Description | |-----|------| | CountData(connection, tableName, conditions, callback) | Countdata function |
Function Explain
ConnectToDatabase(host, user, password, database)
This function help to make connection between node.js and the mysql Database
in this function have 4 return values
- host - your_host (mostly localhost )
- user - your_user (user )
- password - your_password (password of database )
- database - your_database name (name of the Database )
SelectAllData(connection, tableName, callback)
- This function to get all data in given table (view all data in selected table)
- connection - for connection function
- tableName - selected talbe
- callback - return data
- if no data return will be 0
SelectData(connection, tableName, columnsData, callback)
- same as above function
- This function will get only selected row data
- connection - for connection function
- tableName - selected talbe
- columnsData - selected column
- callback - return data
- if no data return will be 0
insertData(connection, tableName, data, callback)
- This function help to insert data to database table
- connection - for connection function
- tableName - selected talbe
- data - data that want to insert to database
- callback - return message
updateDataById(connection, tableName, UpdateColumn, id, newData, callback)
- This function help to update data according to given column and value in named table
- connection - for connection function
- tableName - selected talbe
- UpdateColumn - the column name that want to update
- id - the column data that want to update
- newData - data that want to update
- callback - return message
SendEmailConfig(EmailService, from, Senderpass)
- This function configarate the email environment in nodejs
- EmailService - mostly (Gmail) Plesase use Gmail other services are not still working
- from - senders email address (this in .env file)
- Senderpass - your App Password (this in .env file)
SendEmailTo(transporter, EmailFrom, EmailTo, EmailSubject, EmailBody)
IMPORTANT - you must use transporter as veriable in nodejs othervise this not working
This function help to send the Email
transporter - when you create the configaration of the email sending
SendEmailConfig(EmailService, from, Senderpass)
EmailFrom - same as from in
SendEmailConfig(EmailService, from, Senderpass)
EmailTo - you want to send email (receiver of email)
EmailSubject - subject of the Email
EmailBody - body (content of the Email)
function SelectByAnd(connection, tableName, dataColumns, conditions, callback)
- in this function has 5 veriables
- AND operation Select Data
function SelectByOR(connection, tableName, dataColumns, conditions, callback)
- in this function has 5 veriables
- OR operation Select Data
- if you want to get all data via these 2 funtion you have to mention dataColumns and conditions as empty veriables if not this will not working
SearchData(connection, tableName, searchColumns, callback)
- This function has 4 veriables
- connection for connect database
- tableName for name of the table you need to search data
- searchColumns for colums that you use to seach data
- callback for get the result
CountData(connection, tableName, conditions, callback)
- This function has 4 veriables
- connection for connect database
- tableName for name of the table you need to search data
- conditions that you need to filter data
- callback for get the result
How to use
- install the package
npm i jkmysql-easy
- in server.js file in backend (node.js)
const JKMysql = require('jkmysql-easy');
- and then work of functions
// function for SelectAllData
const tableName = 'name_of_the_table';
JKMysql.SelectAllData(connection, tableName, (results) => {
console.log('The Fetched Data:', results);
// function for SelectData
const tableName = 'name_of_the_table';
const columnsData = { email: "[email protected]" }; // Example columns data object
JKMysql.SelectData(connection, tableName, columnsData, (results) => {
console.log('The Fetched Data:', results);
// function for insertData
const tableName = 'users';
const data = { username: 'John', email: '[email protected]', create_at: new Date(), role: "user", is_active: 1, password: '123'};
JKMysql.insertData(connection, tableName, data, (insertedId) => {
console.log('Data Enterd Successful');
// function for updateDataById
const tableName = "users"
const idToUpdate = "[email protected]"
const updateColumn = "email"
const newData = { username: 'Amara', role: "SuperAdmin" };
JKMysql.updateDataById(connection, tableName, updateColumn, idToUpdate, newData, (affectedRows) => {
console.log('Data Updated Successful');
// function for updateDataById
const tableName = 'users';
const emailtoDelete = '[email protected]'; // The ID of the row you want to update
const DeleteColumn = 'email'
JKMysql.deleteDataById(connection, tableName, DeleteColumn, emailtoDelete, (affectedRows) => {
console.log('Recode Deleted Succefull');
v1.1.0 functions
const JKMysql = require('jkmysql-easy');
// configarate the email
// you must use veriable as `transporter` if not this will not working
const transporter = JKmysql.SendEmailConfig("Gmail", process.env.EMAIL_USER, process.env.EMAIL_PASSWORD)
// sending email
const EmaiMe = "[email protected]"
const EmailMeSubject = "Successfully work jkmysqlEasy"
const EmalmeBody = "Working Successful"
// you must use veriable as `transporter` if not this will not working
JKmysql.SendEmailTo(transporter, process.env.EMAIL_USER, EmaiMe, EmailMeSubject, EmalmeBody)
// optional
return res.json({Status: "Success"})
v1.2.0 functions
const JKMysql = require('jkmysql-easy');
// AND opertaion Select data
const tableName = 'tableName'
const columns = []
const conditions = {
coloumn: "coloumn",
coloumn: "coloumn",
JKmysql.SelectDataAnd(connection, tableName, columns, conditions, (query) => {
// if you want to get all data set columns and conditions as empty
// if you not mentions the columns and conditions this will not warking
// OR opertaion Select data
const tableName = 'tableName'
const columns = []
const conditions = {
coloumn: "data",
coloumn2: "data2"
JKmysql.SelectDataOR(connection, tableName, columns, conditions, (query) => {
// if you want to get all data set columns and conditions as empty
// if you not mentions the columns and conditions this will not warking
v1.3.0 functions
const JKMysql = require('jkmysql-easy');
const tableName = "tableName"
const searchColumns = {
coloumn: "data",
coloumn2: "data2"
JKmysql.SearchData(connection, tableName, searchColumns, (result) => {
v1.4.0 functions
const JKMysql = require('jkmysql-easy');
const tableName = 'tableName'
// if you not need to use conditions keep the condition as empty
// if you not mentions the conditions veriable the function not working
const conditions = []
JkMysql.CountData(connection, tableName, conditions, (result) => {
return res.json({StdResult: result})
- JehanKandy - Developer
- Anupa Gamage - Developer