Extension for jira node modules ('jira-connector' & 'jira') to include the tempo-timesheets add-on
Javascript Tempo Timesheets API for node.js
A node.js module which expands on the functionality of existing jira node modules to include interaction with the Tempo Timesheets Add-On for Jira.
It can currently be used with the 'jira-connector' node module and the 'jira' node module (support for the latter might be dropped in future versions)
Jira REST API documentation can be found here
Tempo Tìmesheets REST API documentation can be found here
Example with 'jira-connector' node module
First a JiraClient instance must be created, then a JiraTempoClient instance can be created with the JiraClient as a parameter:
JiraClient = require('jira-connector');
jira = new JiraClient(options);
JiraTempoClient = require('jiratempo').JiraTempoClient;
jiratempo = new JiraTempoClient(jira, tempoApiVersion);
Jira methods can be called on the JiraClient instance, Tempo Timesheets methods are called on the JiraTempoClient instance:
jira.issue.getIssue(options, function(err, issue) {});
jiratempo.getWorklogById(worklogId, function(err, worklog) {});
Example with 'jira' node module
First a JiraApi instance must be created, then a JiraTempoApi instance can be created with the JiraApi as a parameter:
JiraApi = require('jira').JiraApi;
jira = new JiraApi(protocol, host, port, username, password, apiVersion, verbose, strictSSL, oauth, base);
JiraTempoApi = require('jiratempo').JiraTempoApi;
jiratempo = new JiraTempoApi(jira, tempoApiVersion);
Jira methods can be called on the JiraApi instance, Tempo Timesheets methods are called on the JiraTempoApi instance:
jira.findIssue(issueNumber, function(error, issue) {});
jiratempo.getWorklogById(worklogId, function(res, worklog) {});
Implemented APIs
- Get worklogs
- Get a single worklog by id
- Create a worklog
- Update a worklog
- Delete a worklog