The jira-shell is a swiss army knife of tooling around Jira.
The jira-shell is a swiss army knife of tooling around Jira.
Our primary goal is to work around the shortcomings of Jira Software, imposed by the very rigid management corsets in the enterprise projects we work in.
This program is meant for software engineers: Most of the commands of the application run in the context of a single Jira user. E.g. listing issues in preparation of a daily standup gives you only the tickets to you.
Since software engineers are seldom just hacking stuff together, we also provide commands for planning or reporting. Because we are 'unfortunately' involved in those activities ;)
Prerequisites: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
If you just want to give it a try or you work in an environment where don't have elevated rights, you can run the jira-shell directly:
npx jira-shell --help
The more convenient way is to install it globally:
# with elevated rights
npm install -g jira-shell
Getting Started
While usable without any preparations, we absolutely recommend to initialize a jira-shell project in the root of the repository you are working with.
The project file contains all the static context of your project and saves you from typing in a lot of parameters like:
- Jira URL
- Project Key
- Your username
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "init" "--help"
src init
initializes a jira-shell project
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u, -u
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--url URL to a JIRA instance
--project, -p
The help
command is available almost everywhere: in the root level and at every command level.
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "--help"
src [command]
src list <list> lists jira issues [aliases: ls]
src workload [--sprint] calculates the workload per assignee
src report <report> Show aggregated reporting data over a list of jira
src report:actual-target Compares the history of the estimates of initial
tickets and added tickets against the actual work
src timesheet prints your logged work as a timesheet
src init initializes a jira-shell project
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_USERNAME
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
list (ls)
With the list
command you can get quick overviews, that don't need any further arguments.
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "ls" "--help"
src list <list>
lists jira issues
list [required] [choices: "in-progress", "sprints", "daily"]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_USERNAME
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--url base url of the Jira instance
The only required argument argument is the positional list
The following lists are available:
- in-progress: lists all issues, that are in progress in the current sprint
- sprints: lists all sprints
- daily: lists issues grouped by status, useful for daily meetings
ICLX-12345 UC00.20W: Spalten in einem Datengrid filtern ([https://my-jira/browse/ICLX-12345](Open in Jira))
In Progress
ICLX-12346 UC00.20W: Spalten in einem Datengrid sortieren ([https://my-jira/browse/ICLX-12346](Open in Jira))
Open (next ~8h)
>> no issues 'Open (next ~8h)'
>> 4 issues to go: 31h
Resolved issues shows issues resolved since the last workday and ordered by their resolution date. In Progress and Open issues are ordered by their rank. Open only shows upcoming issues with a remaining estimate ~8h. E.g. if the next issues are estimated with 4, 5 and 8 hours - only the first two would be listed.
Shows the workload of assignees in a sprint. This is helpful, when planning an upcoming sprint and assigning tickets. Or to check if issues should be reassigned in a running sprint.
> jira-shell workload
Workload for sprint >>2018-11-27<<
║ Assignee │ Issues │ Workload ║
║ Alexey │ 4 │ 21 h ║
║ Andreas │ 3 │ 42 h ║
║ Armin │ 4 │ - ║
║ Elisabeth │ 1 │ - ║
║ Jens │ 1 │ - ║
║ Patrick │ 7 │ 32 h ║
║ Rene │ 3 │ 20 h ║
║ Unassigned │ 76 │ 639 h ║
║ Total │ 99 │ 754 h ║
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "workload" "--help"
src workload [--sprint]
calculates the workload per assignee
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_USERNAME
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--url base url of the Jira instance
--sprint Calculates the workload explicitly for this sprint.
When no sprint is provided the workload will be calculated
- the next upcoming sprint (Default)
- the currently running sprint, when no upcoming sprint is
Both, upcoming and currently running sprints, are available
with funcion variables:
- __current: the current sprint
- __next: the next upcomping sprint
--quiet, -q print only issue keys
--groupBy Groups Issues by the provided issue field
The report:scope command prints all changes of the sprint over the course of the sprint.
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "report:scope" "--help"
src report:scope
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_USERNAME
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--url base url of the Jira instance
--sprint a sprint name or a variable: __current or __next
--format defines the output format: ascii, csv, json
[choices: "json", "csv", "ascii"] [default: "ascii"]
║ Date │ Added │ Removed │ ∑ Original │ ∑ Added │ ∑ Total ║
║ 08.11.2018 │ 6 │ 0 │ 101 │ 6 │ 107 ║
║ 09.11.2018 │ 0 │ 0 │ 101 │ 6 │ 107 ║
║ 10.11.2018 │ 0 │ 0 │ 101 │ 6 │ 107 ║
║ 11.11.2018 │ 0 │ 0 │ 101 │ 6 │ 107 ║
║ 12.11.2018 │ 1 │ 0 │ 101 │ 7 │ 108 ║
The report:actual-target command gives you an comparison of estimates vs. workloads.
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "report:actual-target" "--help"
src report:actual-target
Compares the history of the estimates of initial tickets and added tickets
against the actual work logged
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_USERNAME
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--url base url of the Jira instance
--sprint a sprint name or a variable: __current or __next
--format defines the output format: ascii, csv, json
[choices: "json", "csv", "ascii"] [default: "ascii"]
║ Date │ Original Estimate │ Added Estimate │ Original Worklog │ Added Worklog ║
║ 30.11.2018 │ 337.75 h │ 32.75 h │ 17.25 h │ - ║
║ 01.12.2018 │ 337.75 h │ 32.75 h │ 17.25 h │ - ║
║ 02.12.2018 │ 337.75 h │ 32.75 h │ 17.25 h │ - ║
║ 03.12.2018 │ 305.25 h │ 8 h │ 56.25 h │ 5 h ║
║ 04.12.2018 │ 299.5 h │ 1 h │ 77 h │ 5 h ║
║ 05.12.2018 │ 253.75 h │ 1 h │ 128.25 h │ 5 h ║
║ 06.12.2018 │ 222 h │ 1 h │ 168.75 h │ 5 h ║
Prints a timesheet of your worklog for a given date (default: today);
> [email protected] start C:\Users\pbedat\projects\jira-shell\packages\cli
> node ./node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ "timesheet" "--help"
src timesheet
prints your logged work as a timesheet
--version Show version number [boolean]
--username, -u Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_USERNAME
--password, -p Can be preset with env var JIRA_SHELL_PASSWORD_BASE64 in
base64 encoding
--hyperlinks, -l experimental cli-hyperlinks integration
[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--url base url of the Jira instance
--date [default: "2019-01-04T12:02:09.377Z"]
$ ts-node src/ timesheet --date 2018-11-08
Worklog 08.11.18
5.25h / 8h [#####################___________]
max length
max length
║ 00:00 │ 15m │ ICLX-11111 │ Grobe Spezifikation des Authorisierungs Endpunkts │ scharf nachgedacht ║
║ (00:15) │ (0.25 h) │ ---------- │ ---------------------------------------------------------------- │ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ║
║ 00:30 │ 2h │ ICLX-11112 │ Zeilen in einem Datengrid selektieren │ Konzeption ║
║ 02:30 │ 2h 30m │ ICLX-11113 │ Meetings │ Meeting Vorbereitet ║
║ 05:00 │ 15m │ ICLX-11111 │ Grobe Spezifikation des Authorisierungs Endpunkts │ Kommentare ║
║ (05:15) │ (9.15 h) │ ---------- │ ---------------------------------------------------------------- │ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ║
║ 14:24 │ 15m │ ICLX-1114 │ Filterung und Sortierung im Grid ermöglichen │ ║
║ (14:39) │ (2.75 h) │ ---------- │ ---------------------------------------------------------------- │ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ║