jigsaw-rpc is a RPC framework under Node.js
jigsaw-rpc is an RPC framework written in TypeScript, it implements RPC used completely Node.js UDP Datagram API to ensure the performance of calling a remote method.
The API of jigsaw-rpc is designed to easy to use.
And the project is Expandable and Maintainable, so your contribution is welcome.
in a npm project folder, run:
npm install jigsaw-rpc --save
Easy-to-start Example
const { RPC } = require("jigsaw-rpc");
new RPC.registry.Server();
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw({ name :"calculator" });
return {
msg:"Hello, World!",
result:a + b,
date:new Date().toString()
const { RPC } = require("jigsaw-rpc");
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw();
jg.on("ready", ()=>{
jg.send("calculator:add",{ a:3, b:7 }).then((res)=>{
then run this two scripts:
You will get this output
msg: "Hello World!",
result: 10,
date:'--Now Date String--'
Advanced Example
const { RPC } = require("jigsaw-rpc");
new RPC.registry.Server();
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw({ name : "calculator" });
jg.use(async (ctx,next)=>{
if(ctx.method == "add"){
ctx.calc = ( x , y )=>( x + y );
}else if(ctx.method == "mul"){
ctx.calc = ( x , y )=>( x * y );
}else if(ctx.method == "sub"){
ctx.calc = ( x , y )=>( x - y );
}else if(ctx.method == "div"){
ctx.calc = ( x , y )=>( x / y );
throw new Error("the calculator don't support this method");
await next();
jg.use(async (ctx,next)=>{
let { x , y } = ctx.data;
ctx.result = ctx.calc( x , y );
await next();
↓ following codes can be run on another computer
or they can be togther as one script file.
let invoker = RPC.GetJigsaw();
invoker.on("ready",async ()=>{
console.log(await invoker.send("calculator:add",{x:100,y:500}));
//this will output 600;
console.log(await invoker.send("calculator:mul",{x:100,y:500}));
//this will output 50000;
console.log(await invoker.send("calculator:sub",{x:100,y:500}));
//this will output -400;
console.log(await invoker.send("calculator:div",{x:100,y:500}));
//this will output 0.2;
Load Balanced
It is easy to make jigsaws load balanced.
following gunshot.js is an example:
const { RPC } = require("jigsaw-rpc");
//new RPC.registry.Server();
for(let i=0;i<5;i++){
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw({name:`poorguy`}); // everyone has same jigsaw name
let number = `#${i}`;
return `i am ${number} guy, i've been shot`;
const invoker = RPC.GetJigsaw();
invoker.on("ready",async ()=>{
for(let i=0;i<100;i++){
console.log(await invoker.send(`poorguy:shoot`));
try run this script, you can find that they will be shot averagely.
Error Handling
Errors can be transferring freely and completely through the jigsaws.
const { RPC } = require("jigsaw-rpc");
//new RPC.registry.Server();
const jg = RPC.GetJigsaw("jigsaw");
throw new Error(`An error happened`);
const invoker = RPC.GetJigsaw();
invoker.on("ready",async ()=>{
await invoker.send("jigsaw:call_error");
Good Performance
Jigsaw implemented through Node.js Socket API completely.
A single Jigsaw instance can almost transfer 500 requests/sec, 10MB/s data with low latency in LAN on a x86, Intel i5-8250, GBE Network Card computer.
Simple API Document
1 RPC.GetJigsaw({ name , entry , registry }) : IJigsaw
jigsaw name is a path about how to access this jigsaw, network address and jigsaw name will both sync to registry.
the name is the jigsaw name which is a property of the return instance.
entry is a network address string like "", this address described how to access this jigsaw from remote. so if this jigsaw work on Internet, this address must be a Internet Address.
jigsaw will listen on the port number like '1234' you provided, if you don't want to specified a exact number, just set entry like "" without port string.
registry is a URL of the Network Address of the Jigsaw Domain Registry. The format is like "jigsaw://"
You can create a registry like this:
new RPC.registry.Server(3793)
So GetJigsaw() 's calling format is like:
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw("iamjigsaw","","jigsaw://")
All the params has default value, if you just want this jigsaw work on Local Network:
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw()
2 RPC.registry.Server.prototype.constructor( bind_port , bind_address? )
Create a Jigsaw Registry Server, in a domain of a group of jigsaws , create one Server at least.
new RPC.registry.Server(3793)
3. Jigsaw
3.1 Jigsaw.prototype.send( path , data ) : Promise(object)
call this method to invoke a remote jigsaw's method.
the path must be a correct Jigsaw Path format:
the data must be a JSON-Serializable JavaScript Object which doesn't contain any 'undefined' of a 'Function' and some other properties.
3.2 Jigsaw.prototype.port( port_name , handler )
register a Jigsaw Port that will handle all invoking requests to this Port.
Actually, port_name is the method name, and the handler is the function you will receive the invoke object and returning the object you want to reply.
handler can be a Async Function if you want to.
const wait = require("util").promisify(setTimeout);
let jgA = RPC.GetJigsaw({name : "A"});
let jgB = RPC.GetJigsaw({name : "B"});
jgA.port("call",async ()=>{
console.log("recv an invoke,start to wait...");
await wait(3000);
return {hello:"world"};
this data object can be 1MB or even bigger.
3.3 Jigsaw.prototype.use( handler )
this method create a middle-ware of a jigsaw. to handle all requests one by one.
a context contains these base properties:
result: object,
/* if all middle-ware passed, the 'result' will send back to the invoker,
'result' will be {} as the default value.
method: string , // the method name sender want to call
data: any, // the data from sender
sender: string, // sender's jigsaw name
isJSON: boolean, // if the 'data' is JSON-object or Buffer
rawdata: Buffer, // the raw buffer of data
reply_info : AddressInfo // sender's address and port
the usage of this method is like:
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw({ name:"serv" })
jg.use(async (ctx,next)=>{
middle-ware codes here
await next();
3.4 Jigsaw.prototype.pre( handler )
this method create an interceptor before sending an invoking request.
actually, it is the pre hook of calling a remote method.
the usage of this method is like:
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw({ name:"serv" })
jg.pre(async (ctx,next)=>{
hook codes here
await next();
the context object contains :
raw:{ // raw object contains origin info.
data : Buffer,
pathstr : string,
route : IRoute
data : Buffer, //hooked data, can modify this
pathstr : string, //hooked string of path to send, can modify this
route : IRoute, //hooked route which implements IRoute interface, can modify this
if you want to code a custom route, implements this interface :
interface IRoute{
preload(): Promise<void>;
getAddressInfo() : Promise<AddressInfo>;
here is an example:
const { RPC } = require("jigsaw-rpc");
new RPC.registry.Server();
let jg = RPC.GetJigsaw({ name : "user" });
let serv = RPC.GetJigsaw({ name: "serv" })
return "serv you a cake";
jg.pre(async (ctx,next)=>{
ctx.route = {
let { port } = jg.getAddress();
console.log("return a hacked address, all invoke will redirect to the jigsaw itself")
return { address:"", port };
await next();
return "hoo hoo your request are been redirect to here";
jg.on("ready",async ()=>{
console.log(await jg.send("serv:get",{}));
3.5 Jigsaw.prototype.post( handler )
this method create an interceptor after sending an invoking request.
actually, it is the post hook of calling a remote method.
a post context contains these properties:
pathstr : string, // target path string of invoking
data : any, // the request data , Buffer or a JS Object
result : any, // the result data, it can be modified , Buffer / a JS Object / Error
3.6 Jigsaw.prototype.getAddress() : AddressInfo
this method will return a address info contains IP-Address and Port that jigsaw's socket binded to.
3.7 Jigsaw.prototype.getName() : string
return the jigsaw name.
3.8 Jigsaw.prototype.getOption() : any
return the option passed to jigsaw constructor.
3.9 Jigsaw.prototype.close() : Promise(void)
close the jigsaw instance and the socket insided.
This project use mocha test framework, run:
npm test
at the project folder to do tests
you can also run:
npm run test-cov
to check the coverage of test cases
This project is open-source under MIT license.
Your contribution is welcome💗, follow this steps
1. Fork this repository
2. Modify the codes, or write a mocha test case
3. Commit using 'cz-conventional-changelog'
4. Start a Pull Request
Or just create an issue.