Reactive little objects
JetterSet is a micro-library for making JavaScript objects reactive. It's (naturally!) declarative, memoizes derived/computed values, and provides callback hooks for handling property changes.
Effectively, this:
myObj.apples = 3;
myObj.bananas = 1;
// assuming `fruit` is a computed property of apples + bananas …
console.log(myObj.fruit); // 4
myObj.bananas = 3;
console.log(myObj.fruit); // 6
JetterSet is < 1k (and < 500 bytes Gzipped) with 0 dependencies.
Installation and Usage
npm install jetter-set
import { jetterSet } from 'jetter-set';
const newReactiveObject = jetterSet({ ...defaultValues })
Setting Values
Treat your handily reactive JetterSet object as a standard JavaScript object. Properties get accessed and assigned normally -- no special getter or setter methods.
const obj = jetterSet({
apples: 3,
pears: 2,
obj.oranges = 5;
obj.bananas = 2;
delete obj.apples;
console.log(Object.keys(obj)); // pears, oranges, bananas
Deriving Values | derive
One of JetterSet's neatest features is deriving values from existing properties. Do this via the derive
const obj = jetterSet({ apples: 3, pears: 2 });
obj.derive('fruit', (obj) => obj.apples + obj.pears);
console.log(obj.fruit); // 5
Derived (or computed, if you prefer) values change when upstream values change.
const obj = jetterSet({ apples: 3, pears: 2 });
obj.derive('fruit', (obj) => obj.apples + obj.pears);
console.log(obj.fruit); // 5
obj.apples = 100;
console.log(obj.fruit); // 102
Memoization of Derived/Computed Values
When upstream signals change, JetterSet memoizes derived values. Reactive functions only runs once -- even when deriving values from other derived values -- and the result gets stashed in an intermediary cache until signaling values change again.
Watching Values | onChange
You can also watch for updates on your JetterSet's properties. This is done via the onChange
const obj = jetterSet({ apples: 3, pears: 2 });
obj.onChange('apples', (newVal, oldVal, updatedObj) => {
if (newVal < 2) {
console.log(`Buy more apples! You had ${oldVal} but are now down to ${newVal}`);
obj.apples = 1; // "Buy more apples! You had 3 but are now down to 1"
Naturally, you can watch for changes on derived values, too.
const obj = jetterSet({ apples: 3, pears: 2 });
obj.derive('fruit', (obj) => obj.apples + obj.pears);
obj.onChange('fruit', (newVal, oldVal, updatedObj) => {
console.log(`You had ${oldVal} apples and pears; now you have ${newVal}`);
obj.apples = 1; // "You had 5 apples and pears; now you have 3"
Unwatching Values | offChange
To remove a properties watcher, use the offChange
method. As with all handlers/listeners of this nature, passing named or referenced functions is gonna help.
const obj = jetterSet({ apples: 3, pears: 2 });
const changeHandler = () => console.log('Changed!');
obj.onChange('apples', changeHandler);
obj.apples = 99; // "Changed!"
obj.offChange('apples', changeHandler);
obj.apples = 0; //
This project modernizes my original JetSet micro-library, which I wrote as a code golf state management solution. JetterSet (a better JetSet) trades a few bytes for robustness and an improved feature set.