A bundle of Jest matchers for simplifying testing traitful JavaScript
A bundle of Jest matchers for simplifying testing traitful JavaScript
While using Traitful JavaScript it could often be hard to assert your structs
jest-traitful aims to add additional matchers to Jest's default ones that simplifying testing traitful structs
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With npm:
npm install -D jest-traitful
With yarn:
yarn add -D jest-traitful
Jest >v24
Add jest-traitful
to your Jest setupFilesAfterEnv
configuration. See for help
"jest": {
"setupFilesAfterEnv": ["jest-traitful"]
Asymmetric matchers
All matchers described below have asymmetric variants. Example:
test("symmetric vs asymmetric", () => {
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1 });
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(expect.methodlessly({ a: 1 }));
Asserts that two objects are deeply equal if all their methods were completely ignored
expect({ a: 1 }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1 }); // true
expect({ a: 1 }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1, x: () => {} }); // true
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1 }); // true
expect({ a: 1 }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: expect.any(Number) }); // true, allows use of other asymmetric within it
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1, x: () => {} }); // true
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1, y: () => {} }); // true
expect({ b: 1, x: () => {} }).not.toEqualWithoutMethods({ a: 1, x: () => {} }); // true
// It should be noted that by using expect.any(Function) or expect.anything() or similar
// you are explicitly opting out of methodlessly's function === undefined equality.
// Example:
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqualWithoutMethods({
a: 1,
x: () => {},
y: expect.any(Function), // or expect.anything()
}); // false!
// But of course this will work as expected:
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqualWithoutMethods({
a: 1,
x: expect.any(Function),
}); // true
The asymmetric variant of .toEqualWithoutMethods
expect({ a: 1 }).toEqual(expect.methodlessly({ a: 1 })); // true
expect({ a: 1 }).toEqual(expect.methodlessly({ a: 1, x: () => {} })); // true
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(expect.methodlessly({ a: 1 })); // true
expect({ a: 1 }).toEqual(expect.methodlessly({ a: expect.any(Number) })); // true, allows use of other asymmetric within it
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(
expect.methodlessly({ a: 1, x: () => {} }),
); // true
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(
expect.methodlessly({ a: 1, y: () => {} }),
); // true
expect({ b: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(
expect.not.methodlessly({ a: 1, x: () => {} }),
); // true
// Same as .toEqualWithoutMethods() above
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(
expect.methodlessly({ a: 1, x: () => {}, y: expect.any(Function) }),
); // false!
expect({ a: 1, x: () => {} }).toEqual(
expect.methodlessly({ a: 1, x: expect.any(Function) }),
); // true
Asserts that two objects are deeply equal if all properties were identical but their methods were compared ONLY by name
Whatever the methods' implementations or their signatures doesn't matter to this matcher
If Traitful JavaScript was followed this should basically assert full equality including functionality
expect({a: 1}).toEqualTraitfully({a: 1}); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqualTraitfully({a: 1, x: () => {}}); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => true}).toEqualTraitfully({a: 1, x: () => false); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqualTraitfully({a: expect.any(Number), x: () => {}}); // true, allows use of other asymmetric within it
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).not.toEqualTraitfully({a: 1}); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).not.toEqualTraitfully({a: 1, y: () => {}}); // true
expect({b: 1, x: () => {}}).not.toEqualTraitfully({a: 1, x: () => {}}); // true
The asymmetric variant of .toEqualTraitfully
expect({a: 1}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: 1})); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: 1, x: () => {}})); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => true}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: 1, x: () => false)); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: expect.any(Number), x: () => {}})); // true, allows use of other asymmetric within it
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: 1})); // true
expect({a: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: 1, y: () => {}})); // true
expect({b: 1, x: () => {}}).toEqual(expect.traitfully({a: 1, x: () => {}})); // true