Helpers to create file based fixtures for use with jest.
Helpers to create file based fixtures for use with jest.
Installation & Usage
npm i jest-fixture --save-dev
import { environment, prepare, file, packageJson } from 'jest-fixture'
import { build } from '../my-build-plugin'
const [fixturePath, setCwd] = environment('build')
test('Build generates required files with modules.', async () => {
const { dist } = prepare([
file('index.js', "import 'imported.js'"),
file('imported.js', "console.log('Hello World!')"),
packageJson('build', { type: 'module' }),
await build()
const files = listFilesMatching('*', dist)
// Source map file is generated.
const contents = contentsForFilesMatching('*.js', dist)
// Contents of imported files included in generated file.
expect(contents[0].contents).toContain('Hello World')
and writeFile
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'jest-fixture'
const fileContentsAsString = readFile('index.js')
const { name, version } = readFile('package.json')
// With options:
const { presets } = readFile('.babelrc', {
// Default false, or detected from .json extension.
json: true,
writeFile('index.js', `alert('Knock, knock. Who's there?')`)
writeFile('package.json', {
name: 'my-app',
version: '1.0.0',
// With options:
presets: ['@babel/preset-env'],
// Default false, or detected from .json extension.
json: true,
// Default true, will add newline if not present already.
ensureNewLine: false,
and contentsForFilesMatching
Reads all files matching a glob pattern in a specific folder or process.cwd()
import { join } from 'path'
import { listFilesMatching, contentsForFilesMatching } from 'jest-fixture'
const files = listFilesMatching('*.js')
const sourceMapFilesInDist = listFilesMatching('*.map.js', join(process.cwd(), 'dist'))
// files === ['index.js', 'components.js']
const contents = contentsForFilesMatching('*.css')
// contents === [{ name: styles.css, contents: 'body { display: none; }' }]
Wait for a number of seconds to pass.
import { wait } from 'jest-fixture'
// Waits 5 seconds.
await wait(5)
and prepare
Use the environment
before a test suite to create a dedicated folder inside test/fixture
where process.cwd
is set to this folder beforeEach
test and the contents are removed afterEach
. Prepare will setup the passed files inside the fixturePath
so these files can then be used by tests separate from the files of other test suites.
const [fixturePath, setCwd] = environment('suite')
test('Some test.', async () => {
// fixturePath === 'test/fixture/suite'
const { dist } = prepare([file('index.js', "console.log('hello')")])
// dist === 'test/fixture/suite/dist'
// test/fixture/suite/index.js created
, json
, packageJson
and interface File
expects a list of File[]
s. Such a File
object can be manually constructed or through one of the helpers in the second code example for commonly used files.
interface File {
// Name of the file relative to the `fixturePath`.
name: string
// Optionally, write Object contents as JSON.
json?: true
// Contents of the file as a string or Object for JSON files.
contents?: string | Object
// Alternative to contents, filePath where to copy contents from.
copy?: string
import { file, json, packageJson, prepare } from 'jest-fixture'
const javaScriptFile = file('index.js', "console.log('hello world')")
const jsonFile = json('phone-book.json', [
{ name: 'Bob', number: '123' },
{ name: 'John', number: '456' },
const packageJson = packageJson('my-plugin', {
description: 'Meh',
version: '1.0.0',
prepare([javaScriptFile, jsonFiles, packageJson])
Use the registerVitest
polyfill method to use with vitest.
import { beforeEach, afterEach, vi } from 'vitest'
import { registerVitest } from 'jest-fixture'
registerVitest(beforeEach, afterEach, vi)
Or, use the following test setup code to polyfill jest globals with matching vitest globals.
import { beforeEach, afterEach, vi } from 'vitest'
global.jest = {
spyOn: vi.spyOn,
global.beforeEach = beforeEach
global.afterEach = afterEach