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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




[![jest](]( ![Lint-Build-Test-Publish]( [![XO code style](




Jest Circus Allure Environment

jest Lint-Build-Test-Publish XO code style semantic-release License: MIT

A Jest Circus environment for Allure reporting.

Allure Report

❗️ Requirements

| Resource | Description | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Jest | A delightful JavaScript testing framework. | | Allure 2 CLI | "A Java jar command line tool that turns Allure result files into beautiful Allure reports." |

:rocket: Quick start

  1. Add this package
yarn add --dev jest-circus-allure-environment
  1. Update jest.config.js

See the testEnvironment docs for configuration details.

  "testEnvironment": "jest-circus-allure-environment",
  "testRunner": "jest-circus/runner"
  1. Run tests
yarn test
  1. Open the Allure report
allure serve ./allure-results

:camera_flash: Allure reporting in your tests

To provide more information in your reports you can use Docblock pragmas within your tests. For types support you'll need some additional configuration.

// simple.test.js

test('2 + 3 is 5', () => {
  /** My test description.
   * @epic Implement addition functionality
   * @tag Accounting

  expect(2 + 3).toBe(5)

🔧 Typescript & Intellisense setup

  1. Support Typescript & intellisense by loading the module into your jest.setup.js file
// jest.setup.js

import 'jest-circus-allure-environment' // Typescript or ESM
require('jest-circus-allure-environment') // CommonJS
  1. Make sure your jest.setup.js file is properly configured.

See the setupFilesAfterEnv docs for configuration details.

// jest.config.js

  "setupFilesAfterEnv": ["./jest.setup.js"]

:gear: Options

Options that can be passed into the environmentOptions property of your jest.config.js

| Parameter | Description | Default | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | | resultsDir | Path where Allure result files will be written. | "allure-results" | | jiraUrl | URL to Jira instance. Any @issue docblock pragmas will link to this URL. | undefined | | tmsUrl | URL to TMS instance. Any @tms docblock pragmas will link to this URL. | undefined | | environmentInfo | Key value pairs that will appear under the environment section of the Allure report | {} | | categories | Array of custom categories you wish to see in the Allure report. See an example | [] | | testPath | Path to your test files. This path will be subtracted from the Allure report when organizing tests into suites. | Jest.config.rootDir |

📈 DocBlocks

You may set code comments inside your tests called DocBlocks, that can be parsed for specific allure report pragmas. These are the supported DocBlock pragmas you may add to a test.

🔍 Descriptions

Add descriptions that document the tested functionality.

test('does something important, when triggered by user', () => {
  /** This uses a 3rd party API that typically undergoes maintenance on Tuesdays.


🏷 Tag

Tag a test with a custom label.

Set multiple tags using a , deliminator.

test('does something important, when triggered by user', () => {
   * @tag beta
   * @tag feature-flagged, api-v3


👥 Owner

Set an owner for a test.

test('does something important, when triggered by user', () => {
   * @owner ios-team


:part_alternation_mark: Severity

Mark tests with a severity rating to indicate the importance of the tested functionality in respect to the overall application.

| Level | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | blocker | Tests that if failing, will halt further development. | | critical | Tests that must pass; or risk disrupting crucial application logic. | | normal (default) | Tests that are of average importance to the overall application. | | minor | Tests that if failing, should only effect a small subset of the application. | | trivial | Tests that validate unreleased, disabled, or deprecated features. |

Example of setting a test as "critical" severity

test('does something important, when triggered by user', () => {
   * @severity critical


📇 Behaviors (epics, features, stories)

Mark tests with a behavior label to organize tests in a feature based hierarchy.

| Level | Description | | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | epic | Tests that if fail, will effect the expected functionality of an epic. | | feature | Tests that if fail, will effect the expected functionality of a feature. | | story | Tests that if fail, will effect the expected functionality of story. |


test('validation message appears, when email field is skipped', () => {
   * @epic Automate user sign up
   * @feature Registration page
   * @story Validate required registration fields before creating new user


🔗 Links (Jira and TMS)

Add Jira and TMS links to a test.

| Level | Description | | ----- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | issue | Adds a link to the test report that will open an existing issue in Jira. | | tms | Adds a link to the test report that will open an existing test case in your test management system. |


test('validation message appears, when email field is skipped', () => {
   * @issue DEBT-60
   * @tms CORE-122


👩‍🎓 Advanced

🎛 Global Allure API

An instance of the allure runtime will be available on the Node global variable. You can utilize it's APIs to provide custom reporting functionality.

 * Returns the Allure test instance for the currently running test.
allure.currentTest(): AllureTest;

 * Adds a description to the report of the current test. Supports markdown.
allure.description(markdown: string): void;

 * Starts and returns a new step instance on the current executable.
allure.startStep(name: string): StepWrapper;

 * Starts a new Allure step, sets the status, and adds any provided attachments (optional), then ends the step.
  name: string,
  status: Status,
  attachments?: Array<{ name: string; content: string; type: ContentType }>
): void;

 * Add a parameter to the report of the current executable.
allure.parameter(name: string, value: string): void;

 * Attach a file to the report of the current executable.
  name: string,
  content: Buffer | string,
  type: ContentType

 * Add a issue link to the report of the current test.
allure.issue(id: string): void;

 * Add a TMS link to the report of the current test.
allure.tms(id: string): void;

 * Add a severity label to the report of the current test.
allure.severity(severity: Severity): void;

 * Add a epic label to the report of the current test.
allure.epic(epic: string): void;

 * Add a feature label to the report of the current test.
allure.feature(feature: string): void;

 * Add a story label to the report of the current test.
allure.story(story: string): void;

 * Add a tag label to the report of the current test.
allure.tag(name: string): void;

 * Add a custom label to the report of the current test.
allure.label(name: string, value: string): void;