Allure 2 Adapter for jest
Jest-Allure-2 reporting plugin
Originally forked from jest-allure.
Add more power to your tests using Jest-Allure. Easily generate nice reports at the end of the execution.
Table of Contents
- Examples
- Installation
- Cofiguration
- How to get a report
- Advanced features
- What's next
- Feature Notes
- Releases
- todo
Allure Framework is a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool that not only shows a very concise representation of what have been tested in a neat web report form, but allows everyone participating in the development process to extract maximum of useful information from everyday execution of tests.
yarn add -D jest-allure2-adapter
npm install --save-dev jest-allure2-adapter
jest -v >24 ?
Then add jest-allure2-adapter/dist/setup-default
to setupFilesAfterEnv
section of your config.
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["jest-allure2-adapter/dist/setup-default"]
jest -v < 24 ?
add reporter to jest.config.js
reporters: ["default", "jest-allure2-adapter"],
Run tests. Results will be generated and stored in allure-results
Object of the following type can be added into registerAllureReporter as first argument.
resultsDir?: string;
stepTimestamp?: boolean;
addStepStatusDetailsAttachment?: boolean; // add attachment with step status details
tmsLink?: (id: string) => string;
issueLink?: (id: string) => string;
How to get a report
You need to install the CLI in order to obtain a report.
For example see allure-commandline.
To see a report in browser, run in console
allure serve
If you want to generate html version, run in console
allure generate
Advanced features
You can add description, screenshots, steps, severity and lots of other fancy stuff to your reports.
Global variable reporter
available in your tests with such methods:
test: AllureCurrentApi; // actions for current test
startGroup(name: string): void;
startTest(spec: jasmine_.CustomReporterResult): void;
startStep(name: string, start?: number): AllureStep;
stepStatus(status: Status, details?: StatusDetails | any): void;
name: string,
body?: (step: StepInterface) => T,
start?: number,
...args: any[]
): any;
status?: Status,
stage?: Stage,
details?: StatusDetails | any,
end?: number,
): void;
endTest(spec: jasmine_.CustomReporterResult): void;
endGroup(): void;
writeCategories(categories: Category[]): void;
addEnvironment(name: string, value: string): this;
logStep(name: string, status: Status, attachments?: [Attachment]): void;
attachment(name: string, content: Buffer | string, type?: ContentType): void;
addParameter(name: string, value: string): this;
addParameters(...params: [string, any][]): this;
description(description: string): this; // sets description to current executable (test / step)
descriptionHtml(description: string): this; // sets description to current executable (test / step)
addDescription(description: string): void; // adds html description to test
setFullName(fullName: string): void;
setHistoryId(uid: string): void;
addPackage(value: string): this;
addLink(options: { name?: string; url: string; type?: LinkType }): this;
addIssue(options: { id: string; name?: string; url?: string }): this;
addTms(options: { id: string; name?: string; url?: string }): this;
addLabel(name: string, value: string): this;
feature(feature: string): void;
story(story: string): void;
tag(tag: string): void;
owner(owner: string): void;
lead(lead: string): void;
framework(framework: string): void;
language(language: string): void;
as_id(id: string): void;
host(host: string): void;
testClass(testClass: string): void;
testMethod(testMethod: string): void;
severity(severity: Severity): void;
Custrom Jasmine reporter
To use custom jasmine reporter - for example to add smth into allure when spec or suite started you can use custom jasmine reporter.
In this case you do NOT need to add jest-allure2-adapter/dist/setup-default
into SetupFilesAfterEnv section.
Just call registerAllureReporter with yur custom jasmine reporter.
see example:
// jest.setup.ts
setupFilesAfterEnv: [
// jest-custom-reporter.ts
import {
} from 'jest-allure2-adapter';
class JasmineAllureReporter implements jasmine_.CustomReporter {
private allure: AllureReporterApi;
constructor(allure: AllureReporterApi) {
this.allure = allure;
suiteStarted(suite?: jasmine_.CustomReporterResult) {
// some actions here on suite started
suiteDone() {
// some actions here on suite end
specStarted(spec: jasmine_.CustomReporterResult) {
// some actions here on test started
specDone(spec: jasmine_.CustomReporterResult) {
// some actions here on spec end
(allure) => new JasmineAllureReporter(allure),
Example (todo)
import { Severity } from "jest-allure/dist/Reporter";
import { Feature } from "somwhere in your project";
describe("Fancy test", () => {
it("Test your amazing feature", async () => {
.description("Feature should work cool")
reporter.startStep("Check it's fancy");
// expect that it's fancy
reporter.startStep("Check it's cool");
// expect that it's cool
const screenshotBuffer = await page.screenshot();
reporter.addAttachment("Screenshot", screenshotBuffer, "image/png");
What's next
- [x] Ability to implement own JasmineAllureReporter (0.2.16)
- [ ] Add before/after hooks
- [ ] Add examples
- [x] Ability to config (timestamp to step, jira link) (0.2.53)
- [x] historyId (group retries)
- [ ] Add param to stepStatus to add attachment with details or not
- [ ] Cleanup statusDetails
reporter dynamically configure "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile" option in Jest configuration.
If you have your own setupTestFrameworkScriptFile file, you need to manually register allure reporter, for it you need to import jest-allure/dist/setup-default.
import 'jest-allure2-adapter/dist/setup-default';
In case if you have jest version > 24 just add jest-allure/dist/setup-default
to setupFilesAfterEnv
section of your config.
Feature Notes
Setting feature, story to all tests in file
As far as describe is async setting feature/story under describe or in any other place in the file except test will add feature/story to all tests in this file (feature/story can be overridden in test)
Todo: add example
- Original is used in case if you mock in tests
- added start and stop time to startTest, endTest
- added isTestActive for reporter
- framework label = 'jest' to tests by default (can be overridden)
- language label = 'typescript/javascript' to tests by default (can be overridden)
- host label to tests by default (can be overridden)
- ability to setup historyId and fullName
- added autoHistoryId into config (when false need to setup historyId manually to have correct retries, by default it is true and historyId is being generated from spec full name)
- fixed grouping into retries
- added ability to configure reporter:
- resultsDir: where allure results are stored, default
- stepTimestamp: add timestamp to step or not, false by default
- addStepStatusDetailsAttachment: add step status details attachment (status details doesn't work in report, so this is workaround), false by default
- tmsLink / issueLink: links pattern for adding issues (
tmsLink: (id) =>${id}
- resultsDir: where allure results are stored, default
added addDescription (adds html description to test). Previously there was only ability to SET description.
- ex:
It will add description to testallure.test.addDescription('<h1>Heading</h1><br>'); ... allure.test.addDescription('line<br>');
- ex:
- fix stepStatus details in case when step throws error
- JEST_WORKER_ID to 0x format (for timeline in report)
- fix groupping
- fix stripAnsi
- stepStatus details as string
- step status details as any
- step status without details when throws
- feature for suite / story for suite
- step status and status details
0.2.23 [stable]
- default and custom reporter, timestamps in steps
| Taisia Pitko | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |