Creating a re-usable component library one more time. Going to run this whole project from github and see how it goes. Going to need to create a bunch of issues to track the various components from jdb-components-v1. Going to try to start from the most ba
Creating a re-usable component library one more time. Going to run this whole project from github and see how it goes. Going to need to create a bunch of issues to track the various components from jdb-components-v1. Going to try to start from the most basic layout stuff and work outwards from there. Potentially going to import jdb-hooks, but more priority will be designing the pieces before using them. Continue testing, you got this.
v 0.2.0
- [x] Loader
v 0.2.1
- [x] Text - Flexible text element
- [x] Box - Flexible base container
- [x] Button - outlined, inline/underlined, standard, round
- [x] Link - as above
- [x] styleUtils
- [x] borderDecoractor
- [x] buttonDecorators
- [x] backgroundAndColor
- [x] borderAndColor
- [x] borderRadiusBySize
- [x] lineHeightBySize
- [x] size
- [x] textSize
- [x] elevationDecoractor
- [x] flexDecoractor
- [x] fontSizeDecorator
- [x] heightDecoractor
- [x] marginDecoractor
- [x] paddingDecoractor
- [x] stringOrNumberHelper
- [x] widthDecoractor
v 0.2.2
Rethinking the direction for this version. Card seems unneccessary in favor of Box. Thinking instead to prioritize the pieces originally in 0.2.3 and then moving to animated wrappers before creating Dropdown/Menu/Modal
- [x] Card
- [x] borderRadiusDecorator
- [x] Page
v 0.2.3
- [x] Collapse
- [x] Fade
- [x] Slide
- [x] Accordion
- [x] Menu
- [x] Modal
v 0.2.4
- [x] Portal
- [x] Gauge
- [x] Toast
- [x] Toaster
v 0.2.5
- [ ] Hamburger
- [ ] Nav
- [ ] Form module
- [ ] Form
- [ ] Context/Provider
- [ ] Fields
- [ ] Field
- [ ] Number
- [ ] TextArea
- [ ] Select
- [ ] Password
- [ ] Range
- [ ] Toggle
- [ ] ColorPicker
- [ ] Markdown
- [ ] Investigate removing styled-components
- Use the compose/type pattern to redo Text to start
- [ ] Reorganize modules
- [ ] Share more props (starting with className)
- [ ] Build better examples
- [ ] Better documentation, remove sources
- [ ] Custom styleguidist components
- [ ] Image
- [ ] Layout
- [ ] Context/Provider
- [ ] Theme
- [ ] Context/Provider