JDart Visualization Tool
JDart-Vis is a visualization tool which lively illustrates the constraint trees generated by JDart, a dynamic symbolic analysis tool for Java. JDart-Vis can sigificantly relieve the pain when analysing the result trees JDart produces for us. The demo page gives a nice presentation for showing purposes.
This project is a participation project of Google Summer of Code 2016 (GSoc 2016) under the team Java Pathfinder.
Getting Started
1. Install Node.js
Visit nodejs.org to download and install Node on your machine. If you have already installed Node (with npm), you can skip to the next step.
2. Install gulp globally
Again, skip if installed.
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
3. Install node packages
Change to the directory and run
$ npm install
4. Launch the local server by running gulp
$ gulp
5. Go to localhost to check this web tool
Check localhost:8000