Core library to interpret JBDAP-json objext.
This package provides a series of functional tools to help developers to interpret a JBDAP-style-json object which is the first thing to write a JBDAP driver.
npm install --save jbdap-interpreter
yarn add jbdap-interpreter
// import tools, set 'zh-cn' as default info language
const { parser, validator, reference, calculator } = require('jbdap-interpreter')('zh-cn')
// then you can use them in your code
There are four modules here.
1. validator - help to check different kinds of parameters to see whether they are valid
- checkJSON(json,lang) - validate whether a json object is a valid JBDAP-json
- params
- json - Object - target to validate
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Boolean
- error - throw a NiceError object directly.
- params
- checkCommand(cmd,lang) - check whether a jbdap command object is valid
- params
- cmd - Object - target to check
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Boolean
- error - throw a NiceError object directly.
- params
- checkTopCommand(cmd,lang) - just like checkCommand except we require this command to be a top level command
- safeString(cmd,lang) - process a string to an xss-free one.
- params
- str - String - the string to be processed.
- return - String - the new safe string
- params
- hasSqlInjection(cmd,lang) - check whether a string has sql injection dangers
- params
- str - String - the string to be checked
- return - Boolean
- params
2. parser - help to parse different kinds of configurations in JBDAP-style-json
- parseComparision(type,key,value,lang) - parse a condition key-value-pair to a comparision structure
- params
- type - String - 'compare' for reference and 'query' for 'query.where'
- key - String - the key of the condition key-value-pair
- value - String|Any - the value of the condition key-value-pair
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Object
// for example: { left: 'price', operator: 'gte', right: 150 }
- params
- parseFields(fields,lang) - parse 'fields' property in JBDAP command
- params
- fields - String|Array[Object] - target to parse
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Object - parsed structure
- raw - Array - the field names you want in a table
// for example: [ 'id', 'name', { lastVisited: 'updatedAt' }, // lastVisited is the alias of updatedAt ... ]
- values - Array - the data you want to get in a 'values' type command
// for example: [ { name: 'userCount', operator: 'count', fields: 'id' }, ... ]
- cascaded - Array - the cascaded fields which have the same structure as a top query command
// for example: [ { name: 'top5blogs', type: 'list', target: 'blogs', fields: '*', query: { where: { 'userId#eq': '$.id' } } }, ... ]
- raw - Array - the field names you want in a table
- params
- parseOrder(order,lang) - parse 'query.order' property in JBDAP command
- params
- order - String|Array[String] - target to parse
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Array - parsed structure
// for example: [ { column: 'updatedAt', order: 'desc' }, { column: 'categoryId', order: 'asc' } ]
- params
- parseOffsetAndLimit(page,size,lang) - parse 'query.page' and 'query.size' to a structure
- params
- page - Integer - query.page
- size - Integer - query.size
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Object
// for example: { offset: 90, limit: 10 }
- params
3. calculator - do calculations for many places
- checkCondition(type,obj,relation,root,parent,self,lang) - calculate the result of a condition object
- params
- type - String - 'compare' for 'onlyIf' structure and 'query' for 'query.where' in reference
- obj - Object - the structure to calculate
- relation - String - the relation between top properties, allows and|or|not
- root - Object - the root data space
- parent - Object - the node this calculation belongs to
- self - the node data itself
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Boolean
- params
- compare(comparision,root,parent,self,lang) - calculate the result of a condition object
- params
- comparision - Object - the structure which has been parsed by
- root - Object - the root data space
- parent - Object - the node this calculation belongs to
- self - the node data itself
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- comparision - Object - the structure which has been parsed by
- return - Boolean
- params
- tag2value(tag,root,parent,self,lang) - convert a tag to value it presents
- params
- tag - String - the tag to convert
- root - Object - the root data space
- parent - Object - the node this calculation belongs to
- self - the node data itself
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Any
- params
- getValue(list,obj,lang) - get a specified value from a data list, this is used in 'values' type command
- params
- list - Array[Object] - the source data list
- obj - Object - the structure which is parsed by
, the 'values' property works in here - lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Any
- params
4. reference - deal with the reference features
- getObjFromObj(data,rawFields,lang) - get specified fields from data
- params - Object - the source object
- rawFields - Array[String|Object] - the structure which is parsed by
, the 'raw' property works in here - lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- rawFields - Array[String|Object] - the structure which is parsed by
- return - Object
- params - Object - the source object
- getObjFromList(data,query,rawFields,root,parent,lang) - find one entity from a referenced data list, if there are many, take the first one
- params
- data - Array[Object] - the source data list
- query - Object - a 'query' definition in JBDAP command
- rawFields - Array[String|Object] - the fields structure which is parsed by
, the 'raw' property works in here - root - Object - the root data space
- parent - Object - the node this calculation belongs to
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Object
- params
- getListFromList(data,query,rawFields,root,parent,lang) - execute a query and fetch the ones which fits the specified condition
- params
- data - Array[Object] - the source data list
- query - Object - a 'query' definition in JBDAP command
- rawFields - Array[String|Object] - the fields structure which is parsed by
, the 'raw' property works in here - root - Object - the root data space
- parent - Object - the node this calculation belongs to
- lang - String - the infomation langage, if not passed, use default.
- return - Array[Object]
- params
- getValuesFromList(data,valuesFields,lang) - calculate the values you need from a data list, this is used by 'values' type command
- params
- data - Array[Object] - the source data list
- valuesFields - Array[Object] - the fields structure which is parsed by
, the 'values' property works in here
- params
It may be difficult to understand these functions, the repository https://github.com/JBDAP/JBDAP-Node-Sqlite can be helpful.