A command-line tool for uploading and viewing recipes.
jbcli - Jitterbit CLI
A command-line tool for interacting with Jitterbit's Citizen recipe repository.
Installation Instructions
- Install nodejs v6.x or greater from nodejs
Install from NPM
npm install -g jbcli
Run the tool
The general format for commands is as follows:
jbcli <entity> <action> [options]
Command List
# Log in
jbcli login --host <hostname[:port]> --email <email> --password <password>
User <email> authenticated succesfully into <hostname[:port]>.
# You may also omit your password, and you will be prompted for it (input will be hidden).
jbcli login --host <hostname[:port]> --email <email>
User <username> authenticated succesfully into <hostname[:port]>.
# Log out
jbcli logout
User <email> logged out.
# List user organizations
jbcli org list
[orgId1] orgName1
[orgId2] orgName2
# List environments in the current organization
jbcli env list
[envId1] envName1
[envId2] envName2
# Set properties
jbcli config set <key1>=<value1> <key2>=<value2> ...
<key1>=<value1> set
<key2>=<value2> set
# Get a property
jbcli config get <key>
<key>: <value>
# List all recipes
jbcli recipe list [--private]
[id1] name1 by author1 (organization1)
[id2] name2 by author2 (organization2)
# Get a specific recipe [and save the jitterpak locally]
jbcli recipe get <id> [--clean] [--saverecipe <location>] [--savejpk <location>]
{<recipe>} | Recipe saved to <location>.
[Jitterpak saved to <location>.]
# Upload a new recipe
jbcli recipe upload --jpk <jpk> --recipe <recipe> [--public]
Recipe uploaded, assigned ID <id>, and can be found at <location>
# Update an existing recipe
jbcli recipe update <id> --jpk <jpk> --recipe <recipe> [--public]
Recipe with ID <id> updated.
# Delete an existing recipe
jbcli recipe delete <id>
Recipe with ID <id> deleted.
# Validate a recipe
jbcli recipe validate --recipe <recipe>
Recipe is valid.
# Generate a recipe and/or a configure
jbcli recipe generate --jpk <jitterpak> [--recipeonly | --cfgonly]
[Configure file saved to <location>.]
[Recipe saved to <location>.]
# Deploy a recipe
jbcli recipe deploy <ID> --cfg <configure>
Recipe deployed, ID <id>.
# List deployed recipes
jbcli deployed-recipe list <--all | --environment <env>>
[id1] name1 by author1
[id2] name2 by author2
# Undeploy and delete a deployed recipe
jbcli deployed-recipe delete <id>
Deployed recipe with ID <id> deleted.
For Developers
To set up an environment to contribute to the project.
Install the required npm packages
sudo npm install -g typescript
sudo npm install -g tslint typescript
sudo npm install -g typings
sudo npm install -g gulp
Clone the repository and install the dependencies
git clone https://github.com/jitterbit/jbcli.git
cd jbcli
npm install
typings install
npm link
Known Issues
- Due to a quirk in Node.js, Windows users will need to run the tool from the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and not a terminal like Cygwin, as this breaks text input.