pure js router to route react component and more.
pure js router to route react component (not ready for public use yet)
npm install jb-route
initiate router
import package to your HOC(higher order component) or layout page; import Router from 'jb-router'
create new object of router:
var router = new Router(RouterConfigData); router config data is router config file that i will explain later
determine page place DOM in HTML file or JSX View page
create div tag by id pageContainerTagId of router config in your layout for add component to it as child
<div id="PagePlace"></div>
create config file
1.create a RouterData.js file
class RouterData {
basePath= '/basePath'; // base path of rout page
pageContainerTagId = 'pageContainerTagId'; //id of html tag while component add as child in this tag
pagesTitlePrefix = "AppName title"; //add this title to title of component
routes = [
url: "/", //path of page
reactComponentPath: "ComponentFolder/ComponentFile", // component of page
name: "ComponentName", // name of page
title: "Page title"//title of page
] // array of path to open component
2.import RouterData.js in your layout page and pass it as parameter to Router constructor
3.to add childRoute to this routeItem you can set childRoutes property of item as below:
url: "/", //path of page
reactComponentPath: "ComponentFolder/ComponentFile", // component of page
name: "ComponentName", name of page
title: "Page title"//title of page
childRoutes: [
url: "/user",// this url add to parent url and create path
reactComponentPath: "ComponentFolder/UsersComponentFile",//componnet of page
name: "generalUser",// name of page
title:"اطلاعات کاربر", titel of page,
childRoutes: [
url: "/add",// this url add to parent url and create path
reactComponentPath: "ComponentFolder/AddComponentFile",//componnet of page
name: "AddUserPage",// name of page
title:"اضافه کردن کاربر",// titel of page
as you can see every route item can have child route that inherit url from parent route for example https://domain.com/user/add will load "AddUserPage" the child route also inherit settings of prent route. if you dont define reactComponentPath url cant be loaded and will throw exception on page load but they can have child routes to pass URL params variable to component set variable and use it as props like below:
url: "/user/{userId}/detail", // detail of user page
reactComponentPath: "ComponentFolder/user.js", //component of page
name: "userDetail", name of page
title: "ویرایش کاربر"//title of page
to give params variable in user component in user.js file use code of below:
class User extends Component{
this.userId = this.router.params.userId
how to load page
to load page , you must use loadPage method of router as below:
this.router.loadPage(url); //e.g this.router.loadPage("/user/add")
get informed on load page finished
there is a callback method on load state change in router mean when you call
the callback function called andnewState
will be 0 after router could find route item in your data config file , new state will be 1 and after finish everything the newState will be 5 so you can stop showing loadingthis.router.config.events.onLoadStateChange = function(oldState,newState){}
jb-router currently use SystemJS as a dynamic module loader so youu need to init and config systemjs first in your app