Jaxcore Spin NodeJS API
Jaxcore Spin
NodeJS library for Jaxcore Spin, the programmable wifi dial remote control.
npm install jaxcore-spin
Example Script
var Spin = require('jaxcore-spin');
Spin.connectAll(function (spin) {
console.log('connected', spin.id);
spin.on('spin', function (direction, position) {
console.log('spin', direction, position);
spin.on('knob', function (pushed) {
console.log('knob', pushed);
spin.on('button', function (pushed) {
console.log('button', pushed);
Save as test.js
and run:
node test.js
Then turn on your Jaxcore Spin device, configure it for your wifi network, and it will auto-connect to the test script and begin printing the log when the knob is spun, or the button or knob is pushed.
If you do not own a Jaxcore Spin, try the web-based Spin Simulator which will launch a simulation of the device and appear on the network using the same TCP/UDP protocol that the physical devices implement.
See the /examples directory for test scripts.
Also see:
Spin-Synth - an html5 audio keyboard controlled by the Spin
Spin-A-Sketch - an html5 canvas etch-a-sketch game controlled by two Spin devices
Static Methods
- Spin.debug(on) -- turn on verbose debugging
Spin.create(device) -- factory method for instantiating Spin instances, use the
object provided by the scan, connectAll, connectOne, connectTo, connectUSB, or connectUSBDevice static methodsSpin.scan(callback) -- low level scan, receives pings from all Jaxcore Spin devices
Spin.scan(function(device, done, rescan) {
console.log('received ping from '+device.id);
var spin = Spin.create(device);
spin.on('spin', function(direction) {
console.log('spinning', direction);
- Spin.connectAll(callback) -- greedily connect all Jaxcore Spins (wifi and usb), this is a short-hand version of using both
Spin.connectAll(function(spin) {
console.log('connected', spin.id);
- Spin.connectOne(callback) -- greedily connect only one Jaxcore Spin then stop scanning, after the device is disconnected or turned off this method will automatically connect next available Jaxcore Spin
Spin.connectOne(function(spin) {
console.log('connected', spin.id);
- Spin.connectTo(id, callback) - connect to a specific Jaxcore Spin by its unique ID
Spin.connectTo('D3F5A3DS80', function(spin) {
console.log('connected', spin.id);
- Spin.connectUSB(callback) -- connect any Spin devices connected by USB cable
Spin.connectUSB(function(spin) {
console.log('connected by USB', spin.id, spin.usbDevice);
- Spin.connectUSB(id, callback) -- connect a specific Spin device by USB
Spin.connectUSB('D3F5A3DS80', function(spin) {
console.log('connected by USB', spin.id, spin.usbDevice);
- Spin.connectUSBDevice(devicePath, callback) -- connect any Spin to a specific USB device path
Spin.connectUSBDevice('/dev/DFN199', function(spin) {
console.log('connected by USB', spin.id, spin.usbDevice);
Spin Instance Methods
| Method | Arguments | Description |
|connect()||connect the Spin device, the Spin device will open a TCP communication channel to the Spin NodeJS server|
|disconnect()||disconnect the Spin device from the Spin NodeJS server|
|isConnected()||returns boolean whether the device is connected to the NodeJS Server
|flash(color, repeat)|color array
RGB color arrayrepeat integer
(0-3) number of times to repeat the flash|Flash all LEDs the same color, eg. spin.flash([0,255,0])
will flash green once for 2sspin.flash([255,0,0],2)
will flash red twice for 1s each|
|quickFlash(color)|color array
RGB color array|flashes all LEDs for 200ms, eg spin.flash([255,255,0]]
|quickFlashSingle(color, index)|color array
RGB color arrayindex integer
the led to flash (0 to 23)|flash a single LED for 200ms, eg spin.quickFlashSingle([0,0,255],0)
|lightsOn(color)|color array
RGB color array|turns all LEDs on until they are specifically turned off
|lightsOff()||turns all LEDs off
|setThrottle(throttle)|throttle integer
data rate limit in milliseconds, default is 20ms|eg. spin.setThrottle(100)
will restrict TCP communications to every 100ms|
|setBrightness(brightness)|brightness integer
0 to 255|sets the LED brightness, all configured color patterns will be scaled by this brightness level
|setRotateColors(mode, colorLeft, colorRight)|mode integer
0,1,2colorLeft array
RGB color array, colorRight array
RGB color array|configure the LED rotation pattern colors
|rotate(direction, mode)|direction integer
1 or -1mode integer
0, 1, 2|shine the LED lights in a rotation pattern (eg. navigation)
|setScaleColors(mode, colorLow, colorHigh, colorMid)|mode integer
0,1,2colorLow array
RGB color array for below the scale() percent
colorHigh array
RGB color array above the scale() percent
colorMid array
RGB color array for the midpoint|configures the LED rotation pattern colors, eg. spin.setScaleColors(0,[255,0,0], [0,0,255], [255,255,255]) will set mode 0 to be red/blue with a white midpoint
|scale(percent, mode)|percent float
percentage ratio 0.0 to 1.0mode integer
0,1,2|shine the LED lights in a linear scale pattern (eg. volume bar)
|sleep()||immediately go to low-power sleep mode
|delaySleep()||delays sleep mode (same thing as pressing a button or spinning the knob)
|setSleepEnabled(enabled)|enabled boolean
true for sleep mode, false for never sleep|enables or disabled sleep mode
|setSleepTimer(ms)|ms integer
number of milliseconds of inactivity|sets amount of inactivity before the device goes into low-power sleep mode
Instance Method Examples
var Spin = require('jaxcore-spin');
Spin.connectAll(function(spin) {
spin.setScaleColors(0,[255,0,0], [0,0,255], [255,255,255])
// flash green when connected
spin.on('connect', function() {
// rotate the LEDs color depending on button/knob pushes
spin.on('spin', function(direction) {
if (spin.knobPushed) spin.rotate(direction, 1);
if (spin.buttonPushed) spin.rotate(direction, 2);
else spin.rotate(direction, 0);
// shine blue when the button is pushed
spin.on('button', function(pushed) {
if (pushed) {
else {
All public properties are exposed in a ReactJS-style .state
child property and can be read at any time or watched for in the events (below).
| State | Type | Description |
|brightness|integer|brightness value between 0 and 255
|buttonPushed|boolean|true when the button is pushed
|buttonPushTime|Date|timestamp of when the button was last pushed
|buttonReleaseTime|Date|timestamp of when the button was last released
|buttonPushDuration|integer|elapsed time the knob has been pushed in milliseconds
|buttonHold|boolean|true when the button has been held down for 2 seconds, configurable with setButtonHoldThreshold()
|buttonHoldThreshold|integer|determines how long pushing the button activates the hold
events, configurable with setButtonHoldThreshold()
|connected|boolean|true when the devices is connected to a Spin NodeJS service
|spinPosition|integer|absolute position index|
|spinDirection|integer|direction (1 or -1) rotated relative to the previous spin
|spinPreviousTime|Date|timestamp of the previous spin event
|spinTime|Date|Date of the most recent spin event
|knobPushed|boolean|true when the knob is pushed|
|knobPushTime|Date|timestamp of when the knob was last pushed
|knobReleaseTime|Date|timestamp of when the knob was last released
|knobPushDuration|integer|elapsed time the knob has been pushed in milliseconds
|knobHold|boolean|true when the knob has been held down for 2 seconds, configurable with setKnobHoldThreshold()
|knobHoldThreshold|integer|determines how long pushing the knob activates the hold
events, configurable with setKnobHoldThreshold()
|batteryVoltage|integer|battery voltage, typically between 2.7 and 4.2 Volts, shows as 5 Volts while charging
|batteryPercent|integer|battery percentage as a ratio betwen 0.0 (2.7V minimum charge) and 1.0 (4.2V fully charged)
|isCharging|boolean|true when the device is plugged into a USB charger
|isCharged|boolean|true when the battery is fully charged (charging LED shines green)
|sleepEnabled|boolean|true when the sleep mode is enabled, configurable with setSleepEnabled()
|sleeping|boolean|true when the device has notified that has gone to sleep
|sleepTimer|integer|sleep timer in milliseconds, configurable with setSleepTimer()
|inactivityTime|integer|milliseconds since last activity
Properties Examples
var Spin = require('jaxcore-spin');
Spin.connectAll(function(spin) {
spin.on('connected', function() {
console.log('spin battery at '+ (Math.round(spin.state.batteryPercent*100*10)/10) + '%');
spin.on('spin', function(direction) {
console.log('spin position=' + spin.state.spinPosition);
spin.on('button', function(pushed) {
if (!pushed) { // if released
console.log('button held for ' + spin.state.buttonPushDuration + ' ms');
| Event | Parameters | Description (emitted when) |
|connect||the device has connected to the NodeJS spin service
|battery|batteryVoltage integer
voltage between 2.7 and 4.2 or 5 while charging|battery voltage has changed
|disconnect||the device has disconnected from the NodeJS spin service
|knob|pushed boolean
|knob is pushed or released
|knob-hold||knob is held for more than 2 seconds
|knob-press||knob is released after having been held for less than 2 seconds
|knob-longpress||knob is released after having been held for more than 2 seconds
|button|pushed boolean
|button is pushed or released
|button-hold||button is held for more than 2 seconds
|button-press||button is released after having been held for less than 2 seconds
|button-longpress||button is released after having been held for more than 2 seconds
|charged|charged boolean
true when fully charged|battery is fully charged or starts getting drawn down
|charging|charging boolean
true while plugged in|device has been plugged or unplugged from a USB charging port
|settings-changed|changes object|hardware settings such as brightness, knobHoldThreshold, buttonHoldThreshold, sleepEnabled, or sleepTimer havechanged
|sleep-warning||the 15 second sleep warning (yellow flashes) has activated
|sleeping||device has entered sleep mode
|spin|direction integer
(1 or -1) direct knob has been rotatedposition integer
absolute position index|the knob has been rotated
|update|changes object|any property has been changed
Spin Buffer
Jaxcore Spin's resolution of 32 pulses per revolution is often too precise for many things you may want to do with the device, particularly when navigating menus. To reduce the resolution (ie. to slow the device down) the Spin Buffer can be used to absorb some of the spin
The Spin Buffer uses a combination of 3 types of buffer strategies (static, kinetic, and momentum) and a delay mechanism giving many ways to improve usability.
Spin Buffer API:
Create a spin buffer:
- new Spin.Buffer(
: an instance of Spin() supplied by Spin.scan or Spin.connect()
: sets alternative configuration options:
var bufferConfig = {
staticTimeout: 2000, // how many seconds of inactivity re-activates static buffer (default 3s)
defaultDelay: 1000 // sets the default .delay() length of time in ms
Spin Buffer Methods
- buffer.spin(
Updates the buffer and returns true if either the static or kinetic buffer has has been overflowed.
: is the direction parameter supplied from aspin
: how manyspin
events to skip until the kinetic buffer is overflowedstaticBufferSize
: how manyspin
events to skip before the static buffer is overflowed
The kinetic buffer is active while the Spin's knob is rotating in one direction. When the knob is idle for more than 2 seconds or it's direction of rotation is changed, the static buffer becomes active.
spin.on('spin', function (direction) {
if (buffer.spin( direction, 4, 3 )) {
/* your spin even handler code goes here */
- buffer.delay(
amount of time in milliseconds to ignorespin
events (optional, default is 500ms)
- buffer.reset()
Resets the static buffer. This is the same as leaving the knob inactive for more than 3 seconds.
Spin Buffer Example:
var Spin = require('jaxcore-spin');
Spin.connectAll(function (spin) {
var buffer = new Spin.Buffer(spin);
spin.on('button', function(pushed) {
if (pushed) {
// reset static buffer when the button is pushed
else {
// ignore all spin events for 2 seconds after releasing the button
spin.on('spin', function (direction) {
if (buffer.spin(direction, 1, 3)) {
// kinetic buffer of 1 will skip every other spin event
// static buffer of 3 will skip 3 spin events when changing directions or idle for 2s
console.log('spin', direction);
else {
Momentum Timeout