Create Android Apps
Create android apps using Java Runtime
Whats New
- Version: 1.1.3
~ Fixed Keytool Generator Error!
~ Support For Android Support Packages And Library Resources
~ Fixed Regenerate Errors
- Version: 1.1.5
~ Custom packages
- Java JDK: for java commands
- Keytool: for generating keystores
- AndroidSDK: for creating and building an Android Project
There are two methods how you can create you app!
The Class And The CLI
Install The Lib:
npm install javandroid
Install The Lib With The CLI
npm install -g javandroid
Put your android support package jar file to libs folder
like support-appcompat.jar
Put the your library res file to libs-res folder
like res-appcompat
all java packages (.jar) is supported to be installed
I Will try making "build.jvd" just like build.gradle so you can install packages and edit building options... but not yet added
This didnt use any build tools like maven, gradle and apktool, this package uses SDK tools
SDK Tools Is Already Installed Inside the lib so the package size will be big
This tool was inspired from the NPM Package react-native And The NPM Package AndroidJS
the github links is from StevenArzt, FXTi, and lilicoding
Get all cli commands with javandroid help
CLI App Making
Lets start by making a project
javandroid init
It will show info questions to answer
lets change the platform version
javandroid platform 21
What is 21... its the api level or api version
Build It
After hours of coding you want to build it
Run this first before building!
javandroid registerInfo -n myproject
This registers your package infos from info.json, without it, it will show errors
Registering Project Info Will Help Some Commands To Identify What Project They will modify
Theres two types of signing the apk, Debug Or Release
Sign a debug app
javandroid build -r false -pn myproject
Sign A Release App
Release Apks Needs A Keystore
So Lets Generate One
javandroid keystore -g -pn myproject
It Will Create A Keystore In Your Projects Path
Now Lets Build It
javandroid build -r true -pn myproject
Check bin folder and boom your apk is builded
Theres Another Command Named regenerateRJava basically is will just regenerate your this can also be used by error checking
javandroid regenerateRJava -pn myproject
Class App Making
Require The Package
const { Javandroid } = require('javandroid')
const javandroidMaker = new Javandroid()
Lets Generate Our Project
let config = {
name: "myproject", // App name
ver: "1.0", // App version
min_sdk: "23", // App Min Sdk
target_sdk: "29", // App Target Sdk
package: "com.filipinoako.myproject" // App Package
Change The Platform Version
let ver = 21
After doing all codings, setting up, or something like that, Lets build it
Sign A Debug App
let appname = "myproject"
let release = false, release)
Sign A Release App
So again lets generate a keystore
let options = {
projectname: "myproject",
validity: 10000,
storepass: "myproject69420",
keypass: "pass420"
Now lets build it!
let appname = "myproject"
let release = true, release)
And BOOM You App.apk will be in the bin folder
Errors & Bugs
Upload it in stackoverflow and ill read and try to answer it!
im not that good in making files 😂