use spawn call the java method which the jar support. if want the java method can be called by node, the jar file must be meet three conditions.
use spawn call the java method which the jar support. if want the java method can be called by node, the jar file must be meet three conditions.
first, the jar must be a runableble jar file and the name of the jar must be the main class full name. for example your jar's main class is :, then your jar name must be :。
sencod, the main class of the jar must has a public static method: public static Map<String, Object> run(List args)
the map which run method return must contains the following keys
- status, must, status == 0 means success, status < 0 failed.
- value, optional, the value return to the node function when successed.
- error_msg, optional, if failed please set it.
- exception, optional, if failed please set it.
if the jar meet the top conditions, then your can call the method use the following code:
var FuncCaller = require('java-func-caller');
var caller = new FuncCaller([__dirname + './']);
func : '',
params : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
success : function(data){
console.log('success => task id:' + data.task_id + ', value:' + data.value);
error : function(data){
console.log('error => ' + data.error_msg);
the return of callback
- status, must, the mean of the value as follows:
- 0 success
- -1 parse command error
- -2 a exception occured when execute java function
- -3 execute java function failed.
- -99 unknown error
- value, optional, the java return value when success.
- error_code, optional, come from the "status" property of the java function return.
- error_msg, optional, come from the "error_msg" property of the java function return.
- exception, optional, the exception object when a exception occured, come from the exception" property of the java function return.
methods the FuncCaller.jar has supported
- SvgToPng, generate a png file by svg code. the first paramater is svg code, and the second is the save path.
A Foo main class
package org.myless.func;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class FooFunc {
public static void main(String... args){}
public static Map<String, Object> run(List<String> args){
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if(args.size() > 0){
result.put("status", String.valueOf(0));
result.put("value", "join result: " + join(args));
result.put("status", "-1");
result.put("error_msg", "empty list!");
return result;
public static String join(List<String> args){
if(args == null || args.size() == 0) { return ""; }
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for(String i : args){
return buff.toString();