Outputs nicely formated jsx when diffing two react components
Outputs nicely formated jsx when diffing two react components on jasmine, instead of ugly big impossible-to-compare objects.
It uses react-decompiler to transform react elements back into jsx.
How to use it
Install with npm:
npm install --save-dev jasmine-react-diff
Patch jasmine before running the specs:
import reactDiff from 'jasmine-react-diff';
If you prefer, there is also a browserified version at dist/browserified.js
that exports the jasmineReactDiff
How it looks
For a spec like this:
it('fails with different react components', () => {
let myComponent = (
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<hr className="foo" />
let expectedComponent = (
<hr someProp="bar" />
Without jasmine-react-diff:
Expected Object({ type: 'div', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ children: [ Object({ type: 'h1', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ children: 'Hello World' }), originalProps: Object({ children: 'Hello World' }) }) }), Object({ type: 'hr', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ className: 'foo' }), originalProps: Object({ className: 'foo' }) }) }) ] }), originalProps: Object({ children: [ Object({ type: 'h1', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ children: 'Hello World' }), originalProps: Object({ children: 'Hello World' }) }) }), Object({ type: 'hr', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ className: 'foo' }), originalProps: Object({ className: 'foo' }) }) }) ] }) }) }) to equal Object({ type: 'div', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ children: [ Object({ type: 'h1', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ children: 'Foo' }), originalProps: Object({ children: 'Foo' }) }) }), Object({ type: 'hr', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ someProp: 'bar' }), originalProps: Object({ someProp: 'bar' }) }) }) ] }), originalProps: Object({ children: [ Object({ type: 'h1', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ children: 'Foo' }), originalProps: Object({ children: 'Foo' }) }) }), Object({ type: 'hr', key: null, ref: null, _owner: null, _context: Object({ }), _store: Object({ props: Object({ someProp: 'bar' }), originalProps: Object({ someProp: 'bar' }) }) }) ] }) }) }).
With jasmine-react-diff:
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<hr className="foo" />
to equal
<hr someProp="bar" />
Much better, huh?