Generate Japanese dictionary SQLite database from open source materials
Japanese DB
Japanese DB is a utility for generating a Japanese dictionary SQLite database from open-source materials. Some resources (e.g., JMdict, JMnedict) are constantly updated. Therefore, this utility is suitable to automate the process of creating your Japanese database, and keep it up to date.
This repo also contains the typescript type definitions for each row in the database. The types which can be imported in your typescript code or javascript through JSDoc.
Download required materials
- Download
from http://www.edrdg.org/jmdict/edict_doc.html. - Download
from https://www.edrdg.org/enamdict/enamdict_doc.html. - Download
from http://www.edrdg.org/wiki/index.php/KANJIDIC_Project. - Download
from https://github.com/echamudi/kanji-data-media/raw/master/language-data/ka_data.csv
- Download
Extract all the files and create folder structure as follow:
myJpProject/ ├── sourceFolder/ │ ├── JMdict_e │ ├── JMnedict.xml │ ├── kanjidic2.xml │ └── ka_data.csv └── destinationFolder/ └── (empty)
The file names must be the same as above.
folder in terminal.Run following commands
npm install japanese-db -g japanese-db sqlite -s ./sourceFolder -d ./destinationFolder
If it runs successfully, you'll get the result as
Copyright Notices
If you are using the generated database in your project, you'll need to mention the following copyright notices & licenses.
JMdict, JMnedict, and KANJIDIC License:
Copyright (C) 2017 The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence (V3.0)
Kanji Alive Licesnse:
Copyright Harumi Hibino Lory & Arno Bosse (Creative Common Attribution International 4.0 license)
Additional licenses for KANJIDIC:
Jack HALPERN: The SKIP codes. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Christian WITTERN and Koichi YASUOKA: The Pinyin information.
Urs APP: the Four Corner codes and the Morohashi information.
Mark SPAHN and Wolfgang HADAMITZKY: the kanji descriptors from their dictionary.
Charles MULLER: the Korean readings.
Joseph DE ROO: the De Roo codes.
Other notices from kanji module:
JLPT Study by Peter van der Woude https://jlptstudy.net
Jonathan Waller JLPT Kanji List http://www.tanos.co.uk/jlpt/
日本漢字能力検定級別漢字表 https://www.kanken.or.jp/kanken/outline/degree.html
KanjiVG by Ulrich Apel https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg
Kanjium by Uros Ozvatic https://github.com/mifunetoshiro/kanjium
If you feel helped by this free japanese-db converter tool, I would appreciate if you can add the following notice:
The database in this app/project is genereted by using japanese-db tool by Ezzat Chamudi. (https://github.com/echamudi/japanese-db)
npm link .
npm test
The generated database file contains data from following sources.
- JMdict https://www.edrdg.org/jmdict/edict_doc.html
- JMnedict http://www.edrdg.org/enamdict/enamdict_doc.html
- KANJIDIC Project http://www.edrdg.org/wiki/index.php/KANJIDIC_Project
- Wanikani Audio https://github.com/tofugu/japanese-vocabulary-pronunciation-audio
- KanjiVG https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg
- KanjiAlive https://kanjialive.com/credits/
- Kanji https://github.com/echamudi/kanji
Copyright © 2020 Ezzat Chamudi
Japanese DB code is licensed under MPL-2.0. Images, logos, docs, and articles in this project are released under CC-BY-SA-4.0.
Libraries, dependencies, and tools used in this project are tied with their licenses.