Just Another Node Argument Parser
Just Another Node Argument Parser is a super small and super flexible command line argument parser for node
I wrote this because all other argument parsers out there were large, had dependencies, or didn't allow customization
npm install janap
var janap = require('janap');
var args = janap.parse(process.argv);
//args contain parsed arguments
//i.e. node myscript.js --arg1=false --boolean -hello world
// = {arg1: false, boolean: true, hello: "world"}
Skip Initial parsing (argument 0 and 1)
You can tell janap NOT to skip arguments 0 and 1 by setting the _initial option to false
var janap = require('janap');
var args = janap.parse(process.argv.slice(2), {
_initial: false
Defaults can be specified simply by passing a _defaults object into the options
var janap = require('janap'),
path = require('path');
var args = janap.parse(process.argv, {
_defaults: {
force: true,
path: path.resolve()
Data Types
With janap you can force a data type per-argument:
var janap = require('janap');
var args = janap.parse(process.argv, {
force: Boolean,
count: Number,
paths: Array
//note: you can also use strings such as "bool", "boolean", "number", "array", or something custom
var janap = require('janap');
var args = janap.parse(process.argv, {
_alias: {
'o': 'option'
//Arguments of "--o=value" or "-o value" will result in "args" object of {option: value}
janap was built with customization in mind. You can override 'match' to specify your own argument format:
var janap = require('janap');
janap.match = function(arg) {
//We want triple dashes on our arguments
//the second capture group is always the value
//i.e. ---argument=value
return ('' + arg).match(/^---([\w-]+)(?:=(.*))?$/);
var args = janap.parse(process.argv);
Custom type converters
With janap you can specify custom type converters. Just pass in a "_converter" key to the options object to specify your own custom converter:
var janap = require('janap');
function MyArgumentConverter() {
var p = MyArgumentConverter.prototype = Object.create(ArgumentConverter.prototype);
p.constructor = MyArgumentConverter;
p.convertValue = function(value, type) {
if (this.name === 'my-special-case-argument')
return 'some other value';
//Custom data-type, specified through {'my-argument': 'custom'} in the options object
if (type === 'custom')
return myCustomValueConverter(value);
if (type === 'number')
return this.toNumber(value);
if (type === 'boolean')
return this.toBoolean(value);
//this.continue tells the parser to use this value,
//but continue onto with the next argument using the same "name" / key
if (type === 'array') {
var currentValue = this.get(this.name);
if (currentValue === undefined) {
//Not set yet
return this.continue([value]);
return this.continue(currentValue.concat(value));
if (this.name === 'do-stuff') {
//This adds/sets an argument called "doStuffRequested" to true in the final arguments object
this.set('doStuffRequested', true);
return value;
//Default value converter
//super is a convenience helper that is always set to "ArgumentConverter.prototype"
return this.super.convertValue.call(this, value, type);
var args = janap.parse(process.argv, {
_converter: new MyArgumentConverter()