Web(App) utilities for the Jake task runner.
Webb(App) utilities Jake
This is a collection of web(app) utilities for the Jake task runner.
var wu = require('jake-web-utils');
* Compiles less files to css
* @param Object options
* @param Function cb
* Options:
* - Array src - List of glob patterns for source files
* - String dest - Destination directory or a callback function
* - Boolean debug - if true source maps will be generated
wu.compileLess(options, cb)
* Watches and recompiles less files
* @param Object options
* See compileLess for available Options
* Options:
* - Array watchPaths - Additional paths/glob patterns to watch
* Compiles Stylus files to css
* @param Object options
* @param Function cb
* Options:
* - Array src - List of glob patterns for source files
* - String dest - Destination directory or a callback function
* - Boolean debug - if true source maps will be generated
* - plugins - list of plugins to use (plugin constructors must be insterted executed here)
wu.compileStylus(options, cb)
* Watches and recompiles Stylus files
* @param Object options
* See compileStylus for available Options
* Options:
* - Array watchPaths - Additional paths/glob patterns to watch
* Compiles javascript with browserify
* @param Object options
* @param Function cb
* Options:
* - Array src - List of glob patterns for source files
* - String dest - Destination file or a callback function
* - Boolean noVendors - if true, no separate vendors file will be used
* - Array vendorSrc - List of glob pattern for source files of vendor modules
* - String vendorDest - Destination file for compiled vendors
* - Array vendorExclude - Module names to exlclude from vendors
* - Array vendorInclude - Module names to include from vendors (ignores vendorExclude)
* - Boolean debug - if true source maps will be created
* - String baseDir - baseDir as in browserify options
* - String package - path to package.json to use for vendor detection
* - Array transforms - list of transforms
wu.compileBrowserify(options, cb)
* Watches javascript files and compiles them with browserify
* @param options
* See compileBrowserify for available Options
* Watches one or more paths for changes
* @param src {String|Array}
* @param cb {Function}
wu.watch(src, cb)