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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A full-featured wrapper library that leverages the Jikan and MyAnimeList official API.




Node.JS CI Per-Client npm version


The de-facto wrapper for the Jikan and MyAnimeList API.

What's this?

Jakan is a wrapper on top of Jikan v4 (a MAL unnoficial API).

It allows you to programatically send requests to the Jikan API. No API key is needed.


What can you expect?

  • All requests are cached by default in a store of your choice.
    This, combined with Jikan's own cache, means you will hardly ever make unnecessary requests to Jikan/MAL. The cache is opt-out and you can disable it very easily. Powered by axios-cache-interceptor

  • Platform-agnostic:
    We use Parcel to build the library with support for most browsers and node environments. This includes compatibility with CommonJS, and ESM.

  • Typescript first
    Typescript is a first citizen here, and almost all request endpoints and their parameters have been mapped, so building queries is a breeze.
    Results are also mapped.

  • Javascript available
    You can also use this library with plain javascript. Our build code is just a Javascript file with a index.d.ts. Even with plain JS, some editors are able to check this file and show some basic type hinting. We still highly recommend using Typescript for the extra goodies. ;)

  • As simple as it gets
    We use axios under the hood. All methods are async by default. No expensive calculations, no unnecessary dependencies.


npm i jakan
yarn add jakan


Jakan uses a builder-pattern approach to building it's clients.
As the end user, the only class you should be using for creating new instances is the main one (named Jakan).
We include three clients for requests:

JakanSearch - Responsible for searching anime, manga, characters and people.
JakanMisc - Responsible for everything related with miscellaneous data. Includes schedules, recommendations and etc.
JakanUsers - Responsible for querying user data via the Jikan users API.

Choosing a client is simple, select a cache provider using .with'Provider'() (where 'Provider' is the provider's name), and then use the respective .for'Client'() (where 'Client' is the client name.) method on Jakan.
You can use the memory cache or the WebStorage API for a quickstart.


import {Jakan} from "jakan";
const jakan = new Jakan().withMemory().forSearch()

// Now you just need to use the methods of the client you choose.
jakan.anime("Naruto").then(...) // async/await syntax works too.
jakan.manga("Sono bisque").then(...)

// With ids
// With extra info attached
// PS: extraInfo (second parameter) is an enum, you may know the available values by pressing CMD + Space (show auto-complete) in your editor.
jakan.anime(1, "characters")
// etc...


import Jakan from "jakan";

// Build a JakanMisc client
const miscClient = new Jakan().withMemory().forMisc();

// See page two of top animes
const top = await"anime", {
    page: 2,

// Get a random manga
const random = await miscClient.random("manga");

// Get schedule for monday
const mondaySchedule = await miscClient.schedules({
    filter: "monday",

// Get all schedules
const schedules = await miscClient.schedules();


import Jakan from "jakan";

const usersClient = new Jakan().withMemory().forUsers();

// See a user's profile
const user = await usersClient.users("Lamarco");

// Search for a user
const user = await usersClient.usersSearch("Lamarco");

Where are my types?

We export types for Clients and request building for your usage.
You don't actually need to import these types, you can just trust your editor, and it will autocomplete and suggest values for you.

import {
} from "jakan";

// You can preview the available values in fields marked as enum by pressing CTRL + SPACE (or equivalent) in your editor.
const myQuery: MangaSearchParameters = {
    q: "Solo Leveling", // q stands for Query and is the only non-optional value.
    type: "manwha", // Type is an enum.
    status: "complete", // Status is also an enum

// This is the JakanSearch client we built above

Javascript usage

The library works the same when using plain Javascript. You just won't get the Typescript goodies. Still, LSP-based editors (like VS Code) and IDEs should be able to instrospect the index.d.ts file and provide you with some basic type hinting.


Along with the cache provider, you can also set a custom cache age/TTL.

PS: cacheAge should be in milliseconds.

Disabling cache

You can opt-out of axios-cache-interceptor's cache by using a cacheAge of 0 when creating client classes.
Internally, this will make the client use a pure axios instance. Without the axios-cache-interceptor adapter.

If you are having problems related to axios-cache-interceptor, try setting cacheAge to 0 and opening an issue in this repo.

const jakan = new Jakan();
// cacheAge is available on all clients' with'Provider' methods.
const clientWithoutCache = jakan.withMemory(5000);

The JakanUsers client has cache disabled by default. You can still enable it by setting a custom cacheAge.

Project status

This library is currently in a finished state, and future updates will be mostly for bug fixes and for breaking Jikan API changes.

Still, we need some help to map the Jikan API responses, since it takes a lot of time and is a very manual process.
Please open an issue or make a PR if you want to contribute. Thanks!


  • [x] JakanSearch
  • [x] JakanMisc
  • [x] JakanUsers


Client for search related requests.

  • [x] Anime
  • [x] Manga
  • [x] Characterse
  • [x] People

Low priority methods that may be implemented in the future:

  • [ ] Producers
  • [ ] Clubs


Client for everything not related to the main media requests. Like recommendations, top, schedules etc.

  • [x] Random
  • [x] Top
  • [x] Recommendations
  • [x] Reviews
  • [x] Genres
  • [x] Schedules
  • [x] Season


Client for interacting with Jikan Users' endpoints.

  • [x] Users profile, including statistics, history, etc.
  • [x] Users search


Thanks for reading all of this, if you find this project useful, please leave a star, issue or PR :)