drop file in browser and work with it in browser (optionally click or paste)
drop file in browser and work with it on browser (optionally click or paste)
see: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@b-flower/bdn-xlsx-drop
Initialy a port of component\drop (too many browserify issues) with addition of filepicker and then adding some browser treatement to be able to read xlsx file. Thanks to file component ...
Steal inspired by component team I've added clipboard capabilities.
Parsing file in browser has been made available with wonderfull xlsx.js project.
Finally, sheetclip comes to me for clipboard parsing.
For instance I have copied all of these components - not using npm :( - because of too many issues with browserify combination.
Some html
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
padding: 50px;
.drop { width: 400px; height: 50px; border: 1px dotted #ddd; }
.drop:empty:after {
content: "Click or drag xlsx file ";
color: #eee;
font-size: 1.5em;
text-align: center;
display: block;
margin: 10px;
.drop.over {
border: 3px dotted #ddd;
<div id="drop" class="drop"></div>
<div id="preview"></div>
<script src="/bundle/bundle.js"></script>
Some javascript
Example below use browserify and make jquery global object (window.$ must be available to use jab-drop)
// test.js
// jquery installed with bower
var _ = require('lodash');
var el = document.querySelector('#drop');
// $.jabdrop.parser.xlsx provided by jab-drop/parser/xlsx
var parser = $.jabdrop.parser.xlsx;
callback: processItem
, filter: filterItem
, accept: '.xlsx'
// filepicker make el click opening file dialog selection
, filepicker: true
// paste_on_document make clipboard operation possible
, paste_on_document: true
// filter xlsx file
function isXlsxFile(item) {
return item.kind == 'file' && item.type == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet';
// filter string text/plain only
// copy/paste from excel to browser create 4 items available
// - image (.png)
// - string (text/plain)
// - string (text/html)
// - string (text/rtf) - but empty (???)
function isStringTextPlain(item) {
return item.kind == 'string' && item.type == 'text/plain';
function filterItem(item) {
return isXlsxFile(item) || isStringTextPlain(item);
function processItem(e) {
// receive only filtered items
var item = e.items.length && e.items[0]
, parse;
if (!item) return;
if ( isXlsxFile(item) ) {
// create fromFile parser
parse = new parser.fromFile({
// parser xlsx file options
// worksheet_filter
worksheet_filter: function(worksheet) {
return worksheet.maxRow > 1 && worksheet.maxCol > 1;
// these options limit result
// limit the number of cols to return
, col_limit: 2
// limit the number of rows to return
, row_limit: 100
// these options block process
// if file size is bigger return error or false to bypass test
, max_file_size: 400000 // in byte
// if sheet rows is bigger return error or false to bypass test
, max_rows: false
// if sheet cols is bigger return error or false to bypass test
, max_cols: false
if ( isStringTextPlain(item) ) {
// clipboard parser
// you can receive same options as fromFile but worksheet_filter & max_file_size will be ignored
parse = parser.fromClipboard({
col_limit: 2
, row_limit: 100
, max_rows: false
, max_cols: false
parse && parse.toArray(item, function(err, arr) {
// once parsed make some stuff with array
if (!err) processFinalRows(arr);
function processFinalRows(rows) {
var res = _.map(rows, rowToHtml );
$('#preview').html(['<table>', res.join(''), '</table>'].join(''));
function rowToHtml(row) {
if (!row) return '';
return '<tr>' +
_.reduce(row, function(str, col) { return str + '<td>' + col + '</td>'; }, '') +
Some browserify if interrested
Using grunt-browserify
bundle_dest: 'public/bundle'
, app_cli_path: 'assets'
, app_cli_js: '<%= app_cli_path %>'
, bower_src: '<%= app_cli_path %>/bower_components'
, browserify: {
all: {
src: ['<%= app_cli_js %>/test.js']
, dest: '<%= bundle_dest %>/bundle.js'
, noParse: [
'<%= bower_src %>/jquery/jquery.js'
, options: {
debug: true
, fast: true
, alias : [
, '<%= bower_src %>/jquery/jquery.js:jquery'