Fork of Playwright's locator resolution
is a fork of Playwright's locator resolution. It is only available in the browser or browser-like environments.
- Supports all Playwright selectors
- Supports Shadow DOM
- CSS and Xpath support out of the box
- TypeScript support
selectors helpers- Locator generator support
import { Ivya, getByRoleSelector } from 'ivya'
// Ivya is a singleton, so it will always return the same instance
const ivya = Ivya.create({
browser: 'chromium',
testIdAttribute: 'data-test-id',
// using locator selector (a string)
const element = ivya.queryLocatorSelector(
getByRoleSelector('button', { name: 'Click Me!' })
// using a wrapper function
const element = ivya.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me!' })
const elements = ivya.queryAllByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me!' })
// using Playwright selectors
const element = ivya.queryLocatorSelector('text=Click Me!')
const element = ivya.queryLocatorSelector('css=button[data-click]')
// using parsed selector (good for caching)
const selector = ivya.parseSelector(
getByRoleSelector('button', { name: 'Click Me!' })
const elements = ivya.querySelector(selector, document.body, false)
Supported methods
All query methods follow the same rules described in the Playwright documentation, but return an HTML element instead of a locator.
ivya.queryByRole(name: string, options?: ByRoleOptions): Element | null
ivya.queryByTestId(name: string): Element | null
ivya.queryByLabelText(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element | null
ivya.queryByText(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element | null
ivya.queryByTitle(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element | null
ivya.queryByPlaceholder(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element | null
ivya.queryByAltText(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element | null
ivya.queryAllByRole(name: string, options?: ByRoleOptions): Element[]
ivya.queryAllByTestId(name: string): Element[]
ivya.queryAllByLabelText(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element[]
ivya.queryAllByText(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element[]
ivya.queryAllByTitle(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element[]
ivya.queryAllByPlaceholder(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element[]
ivya.queryAllByAltText(matcher: string | RegExp, options?: { exact?: boolean }): Element[]