WEBUI Implementation for IvoApp Manager
to run the project we just run npm start.
using saas to generate css sass main.sass style.css
used to install bootstrap locally bower install bootstrap
nunchucks C:_DevappmanagerUI\node_modules\nunjucks-html-loader\index.js this file was changed to ignore django loads in templates. if we want to use the templates from this project the final django templates we need to check that the images will load fine , a tranlation will be required also the change done in this node module needs to be automated,, vim maybe? , a pull request to git hub with a sugested change?
icons downloaded from https://www.flaticon.com/
todo: next we need to follow this to get an idea for responsive email https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnWIperMy08
with this guy we can extract the css using webpack. but we might not need this. if we sun sass and we create a css bundle without webpack.. that should work. https://github.com/webpack-contrib/extract-text-webpack-plugin Extract Text Plugin
webpack and css usage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo2ReSbDi7w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo2ReSbDi7w&list=PLnUE-7Cz5mHExcBWO9VV_GN-fniE2l-CR
extract plugin usage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9pYH5ESOb8
bootstrap sass workflow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYNgxQ9IWnI&index=12&list=PLUoqTnNH-2XyNhhLuYrrmrmV46jVw6RHF
bootstrap for webpack, might not be what we want .. as we are customizing bootstrap css with the variable file.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN0eUhoV_Gc
we can inline images.. with webpack. https://www.npmjs.com/package/base64-inline-loader
!!very important!! this shows how to create templates with webpack .. we need to implement this. we also need to check the whole series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKTDYSK0ArI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdGnYNtuEtE&list=PLkEZWD8wbltnRp6nRR8kv97RbpcUdNawY
imageloader , clean , explains what public path does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzLiXgRUt4g
string replacement module https://www.npmjs.com/package/string-replace-loader
about npm packages:deploying testing and all
(X)we need to diffirentiate between production and development,(css,js split.. into only 2 bundles)
(X) we need to make sure that django will get along fine with images.. and images inside csss. (background images.)
(X)we need to implement templates..(nunchucks) (X) includes.. get closer to jsnago aproach
(X)specify bower components as a dependency to be installed.. (save--dev?)
(X) we need to find a way to inject bundles urls in templates while the copy takes place. inject bundle links in specific template blocks?
(X) we need to figure out a optimal way to load json objects to contexts used by njk's templates.
(X) changes done to C:_Dev\appmanagerUI\node_modules\nunjucks-html-loader\index.js "nunjucks-html-loader" customizations done so far should go in a new NPM package and should be installed to the main UIproject. to be consistent and make this easy to distribute among developers https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8088795/installing-a-local-module-using-npm
[ ] we need to implement a consistent way for saass smacss??
[ ] test that the current package will work just fine on linux.
(X)dependent templates (includes, extends) django tags ({% load statics %}).