Aetna SRC Application
Demo application to show features
How to run locally
There are run-dev and redis node script targets in the demo app. There's a run-dev in the soma app as well.
Those are set to run the soma app on port 8080 and the client app on port 8081. So you can then make requests to localhost:8080.
Add the below environment variables manually to the demo app. (Need to do it only once)
TXL_PUBSUB_TOPIC = projects/ce-intrado-ccai-poc-sandbox-01/topics/transactional-logging-pubsub-topic
Build and deploy
function Build-CloudRunApp {
# Build and deploy a Cloud Run app.
param (
Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
$Image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/$GCRProjectId/clients/${AppName}"
docker build --no-cache --secret id=userconfig,src=$HOME/.npmrc -t "${AppName}:$AppVersion" -f Dockerfile .
#docker run -d --env VERSION=$AppVersion --env ENV=preprod --env PORT=8081 --name $AppName -p "${AppName}:$AppVersion"
#docker stop $AppName
Set-PSDebug -Trace 0
function Deploy-CloudRunApp {
# Build and deploy a Cloud Run app.
param (
$TxlPubSubTopic = "projects/ce-intrado-ccai-poc-sandbox-01/topics/transactional-logging-pubsub-topic"
Build-CloudRunApp -AppName $AppName -AppVersion $AppVersion -AppProjectId $AppProjectId -GCPRegion $GCPRegion -GCRProjectId $GCRProjectId
Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
$Image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/$GCRProjectId/clients/${AppName}"
docker tag "${AppName}:$AppVersion" "${Image}:$AppVersion"
docker push "${Image}:$AppVersion"
# TODO Only deploy if the build succeeded.
#$Digest = ( gcloud --project $AppProjectId container images describe "${Image}:$AppVersion" --format=json | jq -r .image_summary.digest )
gcloud --project $AppProjectId run deploy $AppName --image="${Image}:$AppVersion" --platform=managed --region=$GCPRegion --port=default --no-allow-unauthenticated --tag=$AppVersion --update-env-vars=ENV=$Environment --update-env-vars=VERSION=$Environment --update-env-vars=NODE_ENV=production --update-env-vars=PROJECT_ID=${AppProjectId} --revision-suffix=$AppVersion --vpc-connector=connector-$GCPRegion --vpc-egress=all-traffic --max-instances=100 --min-instances=1 --timeout=60s --service-account=cloudrun-sa@${AppProjectId}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
# Future options to use:
# '--set-env-vars=DEBUG="koa*,nerve:*,app:*",REDIS_URI="tcp://",VERSION="v0-1-0"'
# --labels=client=example,app=example,version=example
# --service-account=<todo>
# --concurrency=80
# --cpu=1
# --memory=128Mi
# --max-instances=10
# --timeout=60s
# --no-traffic
# gcloud run services update-traffic --to-latest
Set-PSDebug -Trace 0
Dev Environment:
Deploy-CloudRunApp -AppName iva-vxml-aetna-src -AppVersion v01 -AppProjectId iva-client-aetnasrc-nonprod -GCPRegion us-central1 -GCRProjectId ivr-divasp-prod-01 -Environment dev
Stage Environment:
Deploy-CloudRunApp -AppName iva-vxml-aetna-src -AppVersion v01 -AppProjectId iva-client-aetnasrc-nonprod -GCPRegion us-central1 -GCRProjectId ivr-divasp-prod-01 -Environment stage
Productinon Environment:
Deploy-CloudRunApp -AppName iva-vxml-aetna-src -AppVersion v01 -AppProjectId iva-client-aetnasrc-prod -GCPRegion us-central1 -GCRProjectId ivr-divasp-prod-01 -Environment prod
Cloud build
- We must have deployed Soma with the cloud build trigger.
- We must have Redis and Node image present in the artifact registry in Prod environment (DIVA shared platform - prod).
- We must have git authentication token created and enabled in the github account with respect to any member in the organization who has the npm-registry login to pull the 'ivap-nerve-neuron' repository.
*Note :- We have manually created the npm-token with [email protected] account. We need to replace this token with organization account's token or one of IVA member's account.
NPM Registry to build feature-demo
Visit github documentation to know how we are using npm-registry to pull the neuron code.
Setup permissions to pull images
We must manually add the artifact registry permissions to the DIVA shared platform - prod - Artifact Registry
- Check on 'iva-product' then you'll see the permissions on the right.
- Add Cloud build service account's email of all the projects from where we are pulling the image.
- Add Artifact Registry Reader Role for the service account.