Diffs istanbul json summary coverage reports
Uses jsondiffpatch to find & report diffs between two istanbul JSON code coverage summaries in the vein of coveralls.
$ npm install istanbul-diff
$ istanbul-diff test/data/coverage-summary.1.json test/data/coverage-summary.2.json
Coverage increased +60% (10) lines. That's good. (istanbul/)
CLI Usage
istanbul-diff coverage-summary-before.json coverage-summary-after.json
--depth <n> diff to depth n
--pick <t> pick out <t> diff, e.g. lines.pct (comma separated)
--lines include linesCovered (can be very long!)
--json output json diff (always exits successfully)
--json-compact output compact json diff (always exits successfully)
--detail [<w>] detailed report. <w>=lines,statements,functions,branches or blank for all
--recurse recurse through sub folders (up to depth), otherwise print only root');
--nomotivate disabling compliment, or not!
--nocolor disable colorized output
--nofail do not exit with code 1 if coverage decreases
--brief suppress no-change messages');
Job will exit with code 1
(fail) if coverage has regressed (decreased), unless --nofail
is given.
Normally only the lines
metric is reported. This can be overridden by passing --detail
Coverage JSON summary files are generated through istanbul's json-summary
report, e.g.:
$ istanbul cover --report html --reoprt json-summary .
Alternatively, use the moos fork of istanbul and generate
report which makes a much more compact folder-summary.json
$ istanbul-diff test/data/coverage-summary.1.json test/data/coverage-summary.4.json --detail lines,functions
Coverage delta: -60% (-10) lines, +10% (10) functions (istanbul/)
You can also get a terse summary text of a single JSON summary report:
$ istanbul-diff test/data/coverage-summary.1.json
Coverage 80.53% (1836) lines. You outdid yourself today. (istanbul/)
API Usage
#diff(before, after, options)
Get diff between two coverage JSON summaries.
* before {Object} - json-summary data, e.g.:
* { total: {lines: {total:75,covered:59,skipped:0,pct:78.67}, statements: {...}, ... }
* after {Object} - json-summary data
* options {object}
* pick {string|array} - 'lines' or 'lines.covered' or array of such. see #pick()
* depth {number} - see #dip()
* ignoreAdded {boolean} - ignore added diffs
* ignoreRemoved {boolean} - ignore removed diffs
* ignoreLinesCovered {boolean} - ignore lines covered (detaul: true)
* @returns {object} - for each key in before/after summaries, return diff value
var istanbulDiff = require('istanbul-diff'),
cov1 = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data/coverage-summary1.json')),
cov2 = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data/coverage-summary2.json')),
diff = istanbulDiff.diff(cov1, cov2);
{ total:
{ lines: { covered: 7, pct: 7.6 },
statements: { covered: 7, pct: 7.1 },
branches: { covered: 10, pct: 13 } },
{ lines: { covered: 7, pct: 12 },
statements: { covered: 7, pct: 11 },
branches: { covered: 10, pct: 23 } } }
#dip(diff, depth, options)
Prune diff object beyond given depth
* diff {object} - the diff'd hash
* depth {number} - root is at 0 (unless options is given)
* options {object}
* rootDepth {number} - the depth of the root node
* returns {object}
#pick(diff, props)
Cherry pick given properties
* diff {object} - the diff'd hash
* props {string|Array} - key map to get, e.g., 'lines.covered', or 'lines'
* returns {object}
#print(diff, options)
Pretty print difference in coverage
* diff {object} - the diff'd hash
* options {object} -
* nocolor {boolean} - don't use ANSI colors in output message
* nomotivate {boolean} - don't add motivation message
* detail {string} - comma separated list of: lines,statements,functions,branches
* recurse {boolean} - recurse through sub folders
* brief {boolean} - suppress no-change messages
* @returns {msg: String, regressed: Boolean}
return key is true if any of the metric diffs were negative (used by CLI to return correct exit code).
Print a nicejob message.
* positive {boolean} - whether compliment should be positive or negative
* @returns {string}
$ npm run test
To get self coverage report (make sure istanbul
is installed):
$ npm run test-cover && open coverage/index.html
Sample scripts for increasing, decreasing, and same coverage.
$ npm run sample-inc
$ npm run sample-dec
$ npm run sample-same -- --detail
$ npm run sample-single
Change log
- v2.0.0 -
now returns correct JSON (thanks @nickofthyme) (:warning: breaking change to CLI). New--json-compact
. Fix readme typos (thanks @maxwu). - v1.1.4 - clean up npm package
- v1.1.3 - Added explicit lodash dependency (Apr 2017)
- v1.1.2 - Added single file summary reporting & node 4.x (LTS) compatibility (Apr 2017) -v1.1.0 - Renamed data files to coverage-summary to emphasize content. Reformat output text (Apr 2017)
- v1.0.6 - Added --recurse and --brief options, fixed --nomotivate and --nocolor, add sample scripts (Apr 2017)
- v1.0.0 - Initial release (Apr 2017)
MIT license.