While looking for an easy way to figure out whether or not it is currently DST, you may have come across [isdst]( One thing about this package is that its a lil old (though nothing is wrong with that), is synchronous,
Is It DST?
While looking for an easy way to figure out whether or not it is currently DST, you may have come across isdst. One thing about this package is that its a lil old (though nothing is wrong with that), is synchronous, and doesn't actually extend the Date class (more convenient).
Q: isdst exists, why should I use this?
A: It's asynchronous, extends the Date class, and has typescript support.
Q: Why are you modifying the date class?
A: I'm not modifying the Date class, simply extending it. This is common-practice and is not modifying the actual Date class.
Q: i dOn'T wANt iT eXTeNdInG tHe dAtE OBjEcT
A: lulwut, its just the date object. If you dont want a class extention (for some reason), you can use isdst.
Q: This shouldn't be a library.
A: You're the one looking for how to judge whether or not it is DST, you are in no space to criticize the work of isitdst or isdst.
Q: Poop?
A: Pee
Ok, so this is very simple, simply import it like this:
const DateDST = require('isitdst');
You can now use the DateDST class as a normal Date class, but calling isDST()
will return a boolean of whether or not it is currently Daylight savings time, like this:
const DateDST = require('isitdst');
var date = new DateDST(2069, 4, 20);
Thats all!