irc-xdcc-2 is a node-irc promises based extension providing xdcc handlers.
This module does not intend to facilitate illegal files transfer. The author may not be taken responsible for any copyright infringement or illegal uses.
irc-xdcc-2 is a node-irc module promises based extension providing xdcc handlers with Typescript support.
It's a recode of irc-xdcc which is basically a recode of Indysama node-xdcc / DaVarga node-axdcc.
irc-xdcc-2 provide an extension of the irc module. It extends the available options with the following:
server: ''
, nick: 'myCoolNick'
, progressInterval: 1 // [Number(int)] Interval (in seconds) for the progress update event (xdcc-progress) -- Default: 1
, destPath: '/path/to/destination' // [String] The destination path for downloads -- Default: module lib path + /downloads -> path.join(__dirname, 'downloads')
, resume: true // [Boolean] Allow download to be resumed -- Default: true
, acceptUnpooled: false // [Boolean] Accept unrequested DCC download (accept a DCC download that doesn't match any DCC instance found in _transfer pool array -- Default: false
, closeConnectionOnCompleted: true // [Boolean] Defines if active sockets should be closed if the IRC client get disconnected or killed -- Default: true
, method: 'say' // [String] Defines the method to trigger xdcc bots, either 'say' or 'ctcp' (you can also use 'msg' which is equivalent to 'say') -- Default: 'say'
, sendCommand: 'XDCC SEND' // [String] the command sent to the bot to initiate the xdcc transfert -- Default: 'XDCC SEND'
, cancelCommand: 'XDCC CANCEL' // [String] the command sent to the bot to cancel the xdcc transfert -- Default: 'XDCC CANCEL'
, removeCommand: 'XDCC REMOVE' // [String] the command sent to the bot to cancel a queued transfert -- Default: 'XDCC REMOVE'
, joinTopicChans: true // [Boolean] automatically rejoin channels mentioned in the topic -- Default: true
, queuedParser: /queue for pack #?(\d+) \("(.+)"\) in position/ // [RegExp] regexp to parse queue notices/messages -- Default: /queue for pack #?(\d+) \("(.+)"\) in position/
, sendParser: /sending( you)?( queued)? pack #?(\d+) \("(.+)"\)/i // [RegExp] regexp to parse send notices/messages -- Default: /sending( you)?( queued)? pack #?(\d+) \("(.+)"\)/i
Constructor (legacy)
Instead of using the new irc.Client(), use XdccClient. Server and nick arguments moved to options:
const { XdccClient } = require('irc-xdcc-2');
const options = { /* ... */ };
const client = new XdccClient(options);
// load irc-xdcc module
const { XdccClient, XdccEvents } = require('irc-xdcc-2')
// set options object
const ircOptions = {
server: ''
, nick: 'myBotNick'
, userName: 'ircClient'
, realName: 'irc Client'
, port: 6697
, autoRejoin: true
, autoConnect: true
, channels: [ '#xdcc', '#xdcc-chat' ]
, secure: true
, selfSigned: true
, certExpired: true
, stripColors: true
, encoding: 'UTF-8'
// xdcc specific options
, progressInterval: 5
, destPath: './dls'
, resume: false
, acceptUnpooled: true
, closeConnectionOnCompleted: false
// launch the client
const client = new XdccClient(ircOptions);
// listen for events and act
client.addListener(XdccEvents.ircRegistered, () => { console.log('bot registered'); });
client.addListener(XdccEvents.ircConnected, () => {
client.addTransfer({ botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: '123'})
.then((transfer) => {})
.catch((err) => {
if(err.code) {
console.error('Error ' + err.code + ': ' + err.message);
else {
Factory (promise based)
Alternatively to the constructor, XdccClient also exposes a static factory to create a new instance. The factory method returns a promise that resolves the new instance either directly after creation if autoConnect is false or after the 'connected' event if autoConnect is true.
const { XdccClient } = require('irc-xdcc-2');
const options = { /* ... */ };
.then(client => {})
.catch(err => console.error(err))
// load irc-xdcc module
const { XdccClient, XdccEvents } = require('irc-xdcc-2')
// set options object
const ircOptions = {
server: ''
, nick: 'myBotNick'
, userName: 'ircClient'
, realName: 'irc Client'
, port: 6697
, autoRejoin: true
, autoConnect: true
, channels: [ '#xdcc', '#xdcc-chat' ]
, secure: true
, selfSigned: true
, certExpired: true
, stripColors: true
, encoding: 'UTF-8'
// xdcc specific options
, progressInterval: 5
, destPath: './dls'
, resume: false
, acceptUnpooled: true
, closeConnectionOnCompleted: false
// launch the client
.then(client => {
// listen for events and act
client.addListener(XdccEvents.ircRegistered, () => { console.log('bot registered'); });
client.addListener(XdccEvents.ircConnected, () => {
client.addTransfer({ botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: '123'})
.then((transfer) => {})
.catch((err) => {
if(err.code) {
console.error('Error ' + err.code + ': ' + err.message);
else {
irc-xdcc module extends irc.Client methods with a set of promises:
Promise based alternative to the native connect() method.
Add a transfer to the pool and starts xdcc transfer for the provided pack infos (e.g.: { botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: 1 } ) where botNick is the xdcc server bot nick and packId, the required pack id.
client.addTransfer({ botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: '1'})
.then((transfer) => {})
.catch((err) => {
if(err.code) {
console.error('Error ' + err.code + ': ' + err.message);
else {
Cancel DCC transfer.
.then(() => {})
Cancel DCC transfer instances matching packInfo ({ botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: 1 }).
client.cancelTransferByInfo({ botNick: 'xdccBot', packId: '1'})
.then(() => {})
Cancel DCC transfer for the specified transfer ID (transfer.transferId).
.then(() => {})
Returns the transfer pool (where transfers are stored).
.then(() => {})
Cancel xdcc transfer and remove transfer from pool.
.then(() => {})
Cancel xdcc transfer and remove transfer from pool using its id.
.then(() => {})
Sends the start signal to the server bot for the specified transfer.
.then(() => {})
Sends the cancel signal to server bot for the specified transfer.
.then(() => {})
Along with extending irc module option and methods, some events have been added too:
XdccEvents.ircConnected | 'connected'
() => {}
Event fired when the irc client is connected and joined all channels specified in the options
XdccEvents.xdccError | 'xdcc-error'
(error) => {}
Event fired when a method call is erroneous
XdccEvents.xdccCreated | 'xdcc-created'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a DCC instance has been created (and added to the transfer pool) (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccRequested | 'xdcc-requested'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when the XDCC SEND command has been sent (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccRemoved | 'xdcc-removed'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a DCC instance has been removed from transfer pool (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccStarted | 'xdcc-started'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when the file transfer begins (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccQueued | 'xdcc-queued'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a queue notice has been recieved from the server (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccCompleted | 'xdcc-completed'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a DCC transfer has been completed (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccCanceled | 'xdcc-canceled'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a DCC transfer has been canceled (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccConnected | 'xdcc-connected'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a DCC transfer starts (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccProgressed | 'xdcc-progressed'
(transfer) => {}
Fired every option.progressInterval seconds during DCC transfer providing the received bytes (see transfer info)
XdccEvents.xdccDlError | 'xdcc-dlerror'
(transfer) => {}
Fired when a DCC transfer encounter an error (see transfer info)
xdccError: 'xdcc-error',
xdccCreated: 'xdcc-created',
xdccRequested: 'xdcc-requested',
xdccStarted: 'xdcc-started',
xdccRemoved: 'xdcc-removed',
xdccQueued: 'xdcc-queued',
xdccCompleted: 'xdcc-completed',
xdccCanceled: 'xdcc-canceled',
xdccConnected: 'xdcc-connected',
xdccProgressed: 'xdcc-progressed',
xdccDlError: 'xdcc-dlerror',
ircNotice: 'notice',
ircError: 'error',
ircQuit: 'quit',
ircKill: 'kill',
ircRegistered: 'registered',
ircJoin: 'join',
ircConnected: 'connected',
ircMotd: 'motd',
ircNames: 'names',
ircTopic: 'topic',
ircPart: 'part',
ircKick: 'kick',
ircMessage: 'message',
ircSelfMessage: 'selfMessage',
ircPing: 'ping',
ircPm: 'pm',
ircCtcp: 'ctcp',
ircCtcpPrivmsg: 'ctcp-privmsg',
ircCtcpVersion: 'ctcp-version',
ircCtcpNotice: 'ctcp-notice',
ircNick: 'nick',
ircInvite: 'invite',
ircModeAdd: '+mode',
ircModeRemove: '-mode',
ircWhois: 'whois',
ircChannellistStart: 'channellist_start',
ircChannellistItem: 'channellist_item',
ircChannellist: 'channellist',
ircRaw: 'raw',
ircAction: 'action',
ircClose: 'close',
ircNeterror: 'netError',
ircAbort: 'abort',
ircPong: 'pong',
ircOpered: 'opered',
ircConnect: 'connect'
XDCC transfer
An XDCC transfer is an object containing pieces of information regarding a specific xdcc transfer.
botNick // xdcc server bot nick
, packId // xdcc pack id
, server // irc server
, channel // irc channel
, state // state of the transfer (see below)
, transferId // id of the instance in the internal transfer pool
, resumePosition // used to store resume position when an incomplete file is found in the destPath
, receivedBytes // number of bytes received
, progress // transfer progression percentage
, speed // average transfer speed (bytes per second)
, startedAt // process.hrtime() value when the download has been started
, duration // process.hrtime(startedAt) value when the download has been completed
, progressIntervalId // progress event setInterval id
, fileName // xdcc file name
, lastCommand: // last xdcc command recieved from the server (SEND or ACCEPT)
, ip: // server's ip address
, port // server's socket port
, fileSize: // xdcc file size
, location: // file destination
, sender // ctcp message emitter (= botNick)
, target // ctcp message target (= ircClient nick)
, message // ctcp message
, params // ctcp parsed parts
, error // error message/infos
canceled = -1,
pending = 0,
requested = 1,
queued = 2,
started = 3,
completed = 4
- Indysama for node-xdcc
- DaVarga for node-axdcc