The only file downloader you'll ever need. For node.js and the browser, CLI and library for fast and reliable file downloads.
Super fast file downloader with multiple connections
npx ipull http://example.com/file.large
- Download using parallels connections
- Pausing and resuming downloads
- Node.js and browser support
- Smart retry on fail
- CLI Progress bar
- Download statistics (speed, time left, etc.)
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path', // or 'savePath' for full path
cliProgress: true, // Show progress bar in the CLI (default: false)
parallelStreams: 3 // Number of parallel connections (default: 3)
await downloader.download();
Browser support
Download a file in the browser using multiple connections
import {downloadFileBrowser} from "ipull/dist/browser.js";
const downloader = await downloadFileBrowser({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
acceptRangeIsKnown: true // cors origin request will not return the range header, but we can force it to be true (multi-connection download)
await downloader.download();
image.src = downloader.writeStream.resultAsBlobURL();
console.log(downloader.writeStream.result); // Uint8Array
Custom stream
You can use a custom stream
import {downloadFileBrowser} from "ipull/dist/browser.js";
const downloader = await downloadFileBrowser({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
onWrite: (cursor: number, buffer: Uint8Array, options) => {
console.log(`Writing ${buffer.length} bytes at cursor ${cursor}, with options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);
await downloader.download();
console.log(downloader.writeStream.result.length === 0); // true, because we write to a custom stream
Usage: ipull [options] [files...]
Pull/copy files from a remote server/local directory
files Files to pull/copy
-s --save [path] Save location (directory/file)
-c --connections [number] Number of parallel connections (default: "4")
-p --program [type] The download strategy (choices: "stream", "chunks")
-t --truncate-name Truncate file names in the CLI status to make them appear shorter
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
set [options] [path] <value> Set download locations
Set custom save directory
You can set a custom save directory by using the set
ipull set .zip ~/Downloads/zips
(use default
to set the default save directory)
Advanced usage
Skip existing files
Skip downloading files that already exist in the save location and have the same size.
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path',
skipExisting: true
Download file from parts
Consolidate multiple files parts into one file. Beneficial for downloading large files from servers that limit file size. (e.g. HuggingFace models)
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloadParts = [
const downloader = await downloadFile({
partURLs: downloadParts,
directory: './this/path',
filename: 'file.large'
await downloader.download();
** The split must be binary and not a zip-split
Custom headers
You can set custom headers for the download request
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
savePath: './this/path/file.large',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer token 1'
// You can also add alternative headers in case of an 400-499 error
tryHeaders: [
Authorization: 'Bearer token 2'
await downloader.download();
Abort download
You can cancel the download by calling the close
method (it will not delete the file).
If you want to also delete the file, you can call the closeAndDeleteFile
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5_000);
await downloader.download();
Pause & Resume download
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path'
setInterval(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5_000);
}, 10_000);
await downloader.download();
** The pause may take a few seconds to actually pause the download, because it waits for the current connections to finish
Error handling
If a network/file-system error occurs, the download will automatically retry with async-retry
If the maximum reties was reached the download will fail and an error will be thrown from the download()
import {downloadFile} from 'ipull';
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path'
try {
await downloader.download();
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Download failed: ${error.message}`);
Download Stuck
In some edge cases, the re-try mechanism may give the illusion that the download is stuck.
To debug this, disable the re-try mechanism:
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path',
retry: {
retries: 0
Listening to events
Events are emitted using the EventEmitter
pattern and can be listened to using the on
interface DownloadEngineEvents {
start: [];
paused: [];
resumed: [];
progress: [FormattedStatus];
save: [DownloadProgressInfo];
finished: [];
closed: [];
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: 'https://example.com/file.large',
directory: './this/path'
downloader.on("progress", (progress) => {
console.log(`Downloaded ${progress.transferred} bytes`);
Download multiple files
If you want to download multiple files, you can use the downloadSequence
By default, it will download files one by one, but you can set the parallel
option to download them in parallel.
It is better to download one file at a time if you are downloading from the same server (as it may limit the number of
import {downloadFile, downloadSequence} from "ipull";
const downloader = await downloadSequence(
cliProgress: true,
// parallelDownloads: 2, download 2 files in parallel, default is 1
url: "https://example.com/file1.large",
directory: "."
url: "https://example.com/file2.large",
directory: "."
console.log(`Downloading ${downloader.downloads.length} files...`);
await downloader.download();
Custom progress bar
import {downloadFile, FormattedStatus} from "ipull";
function createProgressBar({fileName, ...data}: FormattedStatus) {
return `${fileName} ${JSON.stringify(data)}`;
const downloader = await downloadFile({
url: "https://example.com/file.large",
directory: "./this/path",
cliStyle: createProgressBar
await downloader.download();