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IPGate - Admin & REST API - Libraries
API: api.iptech.sa
Domain: design.iptech.sa
- playwright/test: Test framework for end-to-end testing of web apps.
- storybook/addon-essentials: Essential Storybook addons for documentation, testing, and development workflows.
- storybook/addon-interactions: Addon for Storybook to test interactions in your components.
- storybook/addon-links: Addon for Storybook to create links between stories.
- storybook/addon-svelte-csf: Addon for Svelte CSF format support in Storybook.
- storybook/blocks: Ready-to-use Storybook blocks.
- storybook/sveltekit: Storybook support for SvelteKit.
- storybook/test: Storybook addon for testing your components.
- sveltejs/kit: The official SvelteKit adapter for building Svelte apps.
- vite: Next-generation frontend tooling.
- vitest: Fast, isolated integration testing for SvelteKit projects.
- storybook/svelte: Official Storybook addon for Svelte.
- sveltejs/adapter-node: SvelteKit adapter for server-side rendering.
- Dockerfile: Develop new apps on Docker.
- GitHub Webhook: Take an action in response to events that occur on GitHub.
- typescript: Typed JavaScript at Any Scale.
- eslint: Pluggable JavaScript linter.
- eslint-config-prettier: Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
- eslint-plugin-svelte: ESLint plugin for Svelte.
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ESLint plugin for TypeScript.
- @typescript-eslint/parser: ESLint parser for TypeScript.
- postcss: A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins.
- postcss-load-config: Helps load PostCSS configuration.
- autoprefixer: A PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules.
- prettier: Opinionated code formatter.
- prettier-plugin-svelte: Prettier plugin for Svelte.
- prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS.
How to use
Run this command in the root where package.json is located:
npm run build
Run this command in the root where package.json is located:
npm run dev
Run this command in the root where package.json is located:
npm test