Typography object for iotaCSS
Type Object
The type object is responsible for making responsive typography a piece of cake.
npm install --save iotacss-objs-type
$iota-objs-type-namespace : 'type-' !default;
$iota-objs-type-sizes : () !default;
$iota-objs-type-breakpoints : $iota-global-breakpoints !default;
Simple Font Size
Use a number as a value to create a simple font-size.
$iota-objs-type-sizes: (
'head-large': 16px
It will generate:
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
Simple Font Size and Line Height
Use a list as a value to create a simple font-size and line-height.
$iota-objs-type-sizes: (
'head-large': (16px, 20px)
It will generate:
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 20px;
Responsive Font Size
Use a map of numbers as a value to create a responsive font-size.
$iota-objs-type-sizes: (
'head-large': (
null: 16px,
sm: 20px
It will generate:
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
@media screen and ( min-width: 768px ) {
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
Responsive Font Size and Line Height
Use a map of lists as a value to create a responsive font-size and line-height.
$iota-objs-type-sizes: (
'head-large': (
null: (16px, 20px),
sm: (20px, 26px)
It will generate:
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 20px;
@media screen and ( min-width: 768px ) {
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 26px;
Responsive Font Size and Line Height with Custom Breakpoints
Use a set of custom breakpoints only for the type object. By default, it uses the default breakpoints.
$iota-objs-type-sizes: (
'head-large': (
null: (16px, 20px),
smo: (20px, 26px)
$iota-objs-type-breakpoints: (
smo: "screen and ( min-width: 768px and max-width: 999px )"
It will generate:
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 20px;
@media screen and ( min-width: 768px and max-width: 999px ) {
.o-type-head-large {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 26px;