Indented Javascript
Indented Javascript
Design Goals
- Modern Javascript features
- Beautiful syntax
- Improve maintainability
- Improve productivity
- Improve performance
- Improve correctness
Design Decisions
We will not add type annotations to the language in order to satisfy the type checker.
- Adding them makes the language uglier.
- The Compile time type checker will only throw errors if it can prove a type will always be wrong.
- All other type checks can be performed at runtime in debug builds.
Use a literate programming model?
- pros:
- good cohesion between documentation and code
- cons:
- comprehension of code is decreased by separation of sections
- No.
- pros:
Use an ion generated strongly typed ast?
- Yes, it simplifies logic, checks types better and can be replaced with bootstrapped classes later.
Allow Statements in the root of a module?
- pros:
- javascript can do it and we need to shim things
- cons:
- makes analyzing everything as declarations trickier.
- yes, it turns out we can do analysis without isolating declarations
- pros:
For/of and for/in loops?
- should we support both?
- for in is sort of worthless... we would never want to use on arrays, and shouldn't use on objects.
- can we only have a single for/in loop? for [key, value] in map for item in array for char in "string" for [property, value] in object for i in 0 .. 10
Automatic runtime type checks?
- pros:
- helps catch bugs
- cons:
- slower performance
- only inserted for debug builds, add explit checks if you want them in release
- pros:
Extend built in objects with new functions/properties?
- pros: Can fix and patch missing functionality.
- cons: Frowned upon by javascript community, for good reason in the case of libraries. Most important property to set "is" for type checking is already used on for equality comparisons.
- Only set ion specific symbols like [] on built in objects.
- Provide "is" for convenience on ion classes.
Make pure functional collections (DataArray, DataSet, DataMap etc)?
- pros: Can use compound structure keys in sets, maps, and array.indexOf
- cons: Messing with Array decreases performance and new parallel runtime classes complicates things Object.freeze really kills array performance... even on arrays that are not frozen Would need alternative syntax for outline collection declarations to use standard collections
- No. Keys should just be strings or integers.
- In debug mode we can freeze child properties in data classes and add pure functional properties there.
Can files be compiled individually or must be compiled as a group?
- In debug mode files must be able to be incrementally compiled individually.
- In release mode compilation and optimization as a group is allowed.
- Yes. Interfaces become Type's at runtime and can be implemented statically or dynamically.
// this works, but... it uses brackets... unnecessarily
import defaultName, * as name, { exportName as localName, ... } from "path"
import "" // source: Literal
as blam // ImportDefaultSpecifier
* as blam // ImportNamespaceSpecifier
baz as foo // ImportSpecifier
bar // ImportSpecifier
import // same as import "" as bar, source: Path
Class Declarations
class Foo
var x: Type = defaultValue
let y = Expression
New Features
Declarative Collections pure functional equals?
String "" => String
Array [] => DataArray
.indexOf requires equality comparison so we HAVE to use our own subclass of Array
Map () => DataMap
Set || => DataSet
Object {} => DataObject
Element <> => Dynamic, should be treated as immutable
All declarative collections are immutable
Declarative Structure Programming
or Control Flow within Declarative Structures
let declarations
Static Properties
Property Runtime Type Checks
Typescript Implementation
Name resolution
Type system syntax
Type system checking run time
Javascript compatible output
Structure Classes
Structure Array runtime storage
Begin Porting to Ionscript
Importing environment browser.*, node.*
Type system checking compile time
Importing typescript definition files for external types
Generating output typescript definitions
Typed Meta Data
Conditional Meta data removal basd on Debug/Release build
Inline Unit Tests using meta data ideally
Ionscript self compiling reboot
Use Ionscript for AST.
Compile normal .js javascript files in parallel.
Investigate compiling .ts typescript files as well?
Incremental compiler that takes into account adjacent files.
Consider *smart* imports and whether or not we want isolated independent file compilation.
Better type analysis system.
Intermediate Type table to avoid duplication on each node.
Try to get everything on single pass but break circular dependencies.
Then follow up on subsequent passes till everything is typed.
X ClassDeclaration
X Module Level Execution (Side Effects, Shimming, etc)
X Spread Operators
X Compilation
X Async/Await
X Generators
X Static Methods
X Static Properties
X let properties change to getters.
X Type checks on class properties
X Design way for known good types to bypass checks => remove automatic type checks on release
X Check Types on function call
X Write data classes.
X add static baseClasses to data classes.
X Type Declarations, port pre-existing system from Ion develop branch
X Implement Struct Typed Arrays getter/setters
X Implement conditional declaration types for if/else statements
X Implement conditional declaration types for conditional expressions
X Type check function calls and throw error if we know they are wrong
X Function call parameters
X Assignment to typed variables
X Change extension to .is
X Change compiler to isc
X Runtime type checking
X type checking for normal classes handled by function using instanceof
X is function for data classes
X reconvert ionscript import to use .is not function
X Null, Undefined referenced automatically in ionscript
- smart import of ionscript
Built in Template type checking
X Build a language server
X Move highlighting logic to ionscript module so we can reuse it.
X new JSX tranform:
X Add implied optional member checks as is Type checks should never throw
X Need ability to form long .chains across multiple lines
X Runtime Properties... which can hold meta data and we can use for the next step.
X Property defined
X Extend from ionscript.Data
X Create Map<string,Property> fields on Data Classes.
X Also include inherited properties
X Write Data class constructor that uses prototype properties.
X Remove Current constructor
X Test this in ionscript.platform
X Convert back to incremental build.
X Fix auto prefix of static and instance properties for referencing each other.
X Data class implementation needs to NOT require external linkage at compile time.
X But... if it's dynamic using properties then that would decrease runtime performance.
X Fix for incremental compile failing because of above.
X Fix module scoped 'parse' and static 'parse' function resolution incorrectly to class.parse
X Need Concise Export from Import Syntax
X Turn AssignmentStatements into AssignmentExpression
- Outline || Operator is ambiguous with Set literal declaration
X Implement Enumerations and similar Flags
Let instance declarations ought to be assigned and fixed as dependent variables during construction
Come up with new consistent class/instance variable values
Compiler needs to copy any unrecognized files to the output
Javascript files should also be copied and/or parsed and converted
Need AssignmentExpressions to actually work, they are useful
Probably need "abstract" modifier on classes and methods
X Allow throw expressions from lambdas right side
Related Links
F# Implicit Yields similar motivation to our outline expressions
Dart Solution to same problem
Absolute Path
global:Number global:Object module:foo/bar#line:column:name