An event calendar component for the Ionic hybrid mobile development platform
A straight forward calendar module that has the optional capability to expand to clickable days and trackable events, with unobtrusive boiler-plating.
Using the correct JSON format you can display description related to the date
Ionic Support
This module was tested to Ionic v3.19.0.
Go ahead and install via NPM
npm i ionic3-calendar-neo-ptbr --save
Within your app.module.ts file, make sure to add the import.
import { CalendarModule } from 'ionic3-calendar-neo-ptbr';
imports: [
Usage / Getting started
Basic usage is as follows:
<ion-calendar #calendar></ion-calendar>
To make days clickable, and emit back information about the day selected, include the onDaySelect binding.
<ion-calendar #calendar (onDaySelect)="onDaySelect($event)"></ion-calendar>
You can add a button to jump to today, for ease of navigation:
<button ion-button (click)="">Jump to Today</button>
Adding events to the calendar, as seen in the screenshot atop, those tiny notification blips can appear on a given day, if your backend API responds with the right date makeup for the given month. I suggest you write something that provides data for the former and the latter month, for the sake of edge days on a given month.
Accepted format of data:
this.currentEvents = [
year: 2017,
month: 12,
date: 25,
color: blue,
description: description,
time: 12:00
The consequent invocation of these events would be done like so:
<ion-calendar #calendar [events]="currentEvents" (onDaySelect)="onDaySelect($event)" (onMonthSelect)="onMonthSelect($event)"></ion-calendar>
25th December 2017
Added Color,description and time parameter , returning data to be loaded on click.
8th December 2017
Added Events capability
5th December 2017
Added English comments to code Added English month names instead of numerals on FE Minor colour adjustments for legibility
- Laker Liu - Initial work - Ionic3-Calendar
- gbrits_0 - Mod to English Version - [Ionic3-Calendar-en] ( It's not what you start in life, it's what you finish.