An event, attendance & holidays calendar component for the Ionic hybrid mobile development platform
Ionic Calendar (English)
A straight forward calendar module that has the optional capability to expand to clickable days, trackable events and holidays, with unobtrusive boiler-plating.
Ionic Support
This module was tested to Ionic v3.19.0.
Go ahead and install via NPM
npm install ionic2-calendar-en --save
Within your app.module.ts file, make sure to add the import.
import { CalendarModule } from 'ionic2-calendar-en';
imports: [
Usage / Getting started
Basic usage is as follows:
Swipe to view next and previous months.
<ion-calendar #calendar></ion-calendar>
To make days clickable, and emit back information about the day selected, include the onDaySelect binding.
<ion-calendar #calendar (onDaySelect)="onDaySelect($event)"></ion-calendar>
You can add a button to jump to today, for ease of navigation:
<button ion-button (click)="">Jump to Today</button>
You can add a button to jump to next and previous day, for ease of navigation:
<button ion-button (click)="calendar.toNextDay()">Jump to Next Day</button>
<button ion-button (click)="calendar.toPreviousDay()">Jump to Previous Day</button>
You can get selected date:
year: number,
month: number,
date: number
You can get selected date as string format:
Format eg. February 20, 2018
You can get holiday reason of selected day:
return String;
If selected day isn't holiday then returns empty string.
Adding events to the calendar, as seen in the screenshot atop, those tiny notification blips can appear on a given day, if your backend API responds with the right date makeup for the given month. I suggest you write something that provides data for the former and the latter month, for the sake of edge days on a given month.
Accepted format of data:
this.currentEvents = [
year: 2018,
month: 11, //Month as current -1
date: 25
year: 2018,
month: 11, //Month as current -1
date: 26
The consequent invocation of these events would be done like so:
<ion-calendar #calendar [events]="currentEvents" (onDaySelect)="onDaySelect($event)" (onMonthSelect)="onMonthSelect($event)"></ion-calendar>
Adding holidays to the calendar, red colored date can appear on a given day, if your backend API responds with the right date makeup for the given month. I suggest you write something that provides data for the former and the latter month, for the sake of edge days on a given month.
Accepted format of data:
this.holidaysList = [
year: 2018,
month: 2, //Month as current -1
date: 30,
reason: 'Good Friday'
year: 2018,
month: 2, //Month as current -1
date: 2,
reason: 'Holi'
The consequent invocation of these events would be done like so:
<ion-calendar #calendar [holidays]="holidaysList" (onDaySelect)="onDaySelect($event)" (onMonthSelect)="onMonthSelect($event)"></ion-calendar>
- Laker Liu - Initial work - Ionic3-Calendar
It's not what you start in life, it's what you finish.