a dynamic form generator and validator
IonForm a super lightwieght form component Readme 📝
This package is under development the api is likely to change. Stable releases will start with versions equal to or greater than 1. A working demo is running in index.html
Get Started 🚀
Use the custom ion-form tag anywhere in your code. Make sure to give your form a unique name.
<ion-form formname="myForm"></ion-form>
Prebuilt Components/Templates/Form 🔥
Everything works out of the box. No configuration required.✨
Import the package into your Vanilla, Angular, React, or Vue Framework.
in your tsConfig set 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' to true, this is for password-validator "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
import { IonForm} from 'ion-forms';
const myForm = IonForm('myForm');
const stringKeyValuePairs: StringDictionary
= {
"name": 'mazda',
"color": 'purple'
jsonForm: stringKeyValuePairs
Once you're done, that's it.
Your field validation is a simple callback that takes the name of your input. 🏈.
The callback provides you a fieldState 🤯
The fieldState provides you 💡
An updated value of your input ✔️
An helper html element ✔️
An error html element ✔️
The current state of each input ✔️
An allValid boolean ✔️
Validator methods ✔️
A lnkField method for dependent adjacent field values ✔️
🚦The fieldValidate function must return a boolean
const stringKeyValuePairs: StringDictionary =
"password": 'mypassword',
"repeatPassword": ''
myForm.createForm({ jsonForm: stringKeyValuePairs });
myForm.fieldValidate('repeatPassword', async (fieldState: FieldValidationResponse): Promise<boolean> => {
const { value, validator, helper, error, linkField }:{
value: string;
validator: any;
helper?: HTMLIonNoteElement;
error?: HTMLIonNoteElement;
linkField?: (name: string) => string | null; } = fieldState;
if (linkField) {
const link = linkField('password');
if (link === value) {
fieldState.helper.innerText = 'do your thing bro!';
if (fieldState.value.length > 3) {
return true;
fieldState.error.innerText = 'get your password right, you bad password typier!';
return false;
return false;
field validation with dynamic helper and error messages
myForm.fieldValidate('name', async (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): Promise<boolean> => {
const {
} :
value: string;
validator: any;
helper?: HTMLIonNoteElement;
error?: HTMLIonNoteElement;
(fieldName: string) => string;
} = fieldState;
if (validator.isEmail(value)) {
helper.textContent = 'congrats! your email is now correct';
return true;
error.textContent = 'it needs to be an email my friend';
return false;
entire form validation
on valid form changes, the values appear on onFormChange
no updates are propagated on pristine or invalid values
If a form contains the original values after having been dirtied, the from is reset to its pristine state and no form change is triggered for that input.
myForm.onFormChange((formChange: ValidFormResponse): boolean => {
const {changes, event, completeForm,
states, allValid}: {changes: Map<string, string>;
event: Event;
completeForm: Map<string, string>;
states: Map<string, boolean>;
allValid: boolean;} = formChange;
// do something;
return true;
return false;
generate the HTML schema.
Where Buttons are nesseary, only one button per form.
const detailedSchema = [
{name:'first',value:'none',disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input' },
{name:'last', value:'', disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input' },
{name:'email', value:'', disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input' },
{name:'phone', value:'', disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input' },
{name:'postcode', value:'', disabled: 'false', type: 'text', tagName: 'input' },
{ name:'housenumber', value:'' disabled: 'false', type: 'text', tagName: 'ion-input' },
{ name:'age', value:'', disabled: 'false', type: 'text', tagName: 'ion-input' },
{name:'submit', disabled: 'false', type: 'button', tagName: 'ion-button' }
conversely you can specify your validator function in your schemaDictionary
make sure to check the fieldState options to see if they are available.
const schemaDictionary = {
{ disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input', validator: function(fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse) {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
return true
return false;
Use your favorite validation tools 🧑🔧, and get that validation satisfaction! 😌
validator.js 💣
password-validator 💣
define a custom validation schema 🏗
Check the fieldState hooks/options to see if they are available 🪝
const validationSchema = {
first: async (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): Promise<boolean> => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const first: string = value;
return first.length > 2 && first.length < 20;
return false;
async (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): Promise<boolean> => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const first: string = value;
return first.length > 2 && first.length < 20;
last: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const last: string = fieldValue.value;
return last.length > 2 && last.length < 20;
email: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const email: string = value;
return validator.isEmail(email);
age: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const age: number = +value;
return age >= 18;
postcode: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const zip: string = value;
const validZipTest = /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/;
return validZipTest.test(zip);
state: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const state: string = value;
return state.length > 1;
city: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const city = value;
const rgx = /(^[a-zA-Z',.\s-]{1,25}$)/;
return rgx.test(city);
housenumber: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const nums = value;
return nums.length && !isNaN(+nums);
password: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const password = fieldValue.value;
const schema = new passwordValidator();
.is().min(8) // Minimum length 8
.is().max(100) // Maximum length 100
.has().uppercase() // Must have uppercase letters
.has().lowercase() // Must have lowercase letters
.has().digits(2) // Must have at least 2 digits
.has().not().spaces() // Should not have spaces
.is().not().oneOf(['Passw0rd', 'Password123']);
return schema.validate(password)
return false;
upc: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
return validateUPC(value);
repeatpassword: (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): boolean => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const repeatedValue = value;
const originalValue = fieldValue.shadowRoot.querySelector('[name="password"]')
return originalValue === repeatedValue;
phone: async (fieldState: HTMLIonInputElement | FieldValidationResponse): Promise<boolean> => {
const { value, validator, passwordValidator, helper, error, linkField } = fieldState;
const phone = value;
return validator.isMobilePhone(phone, 'en-US');
const detailedSchema = [
{ name: 'first', value: 'Pillsbury', type: 'text', tagName: 'input', validator: validationSchema.first },
{ name: 'last', value: 'Doughboy', disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input', helper: 'enter your last name', validator: validationSchema.last },
{ name: 'email', value: '[email protected]', disabled: 'false', type: 'text', helper: 'enter your email', tagName: 'input', validator: },
{ name: 'phone', value: '9494548213', disabled: 'true', type: 'text', tagName: 'input', validator: },
{ name: 'age', value: '55', disabled: 'false', type: 'text', tagName: 'ion-input', validator: validationSchema.age },
{ name: 'postcode', value: '', disabled: 'false', type: 'text', tagName: 'input', validator: },
{ name: 'city', disabled: 'false', type: 'text', tagName: 'ion-input', value: 'city', validator: }
form2.createForm({ detailedSchema: detailedSchema })