This is a continuation of the original project from azzamasghar1 ( which includes new features and some much requested features
Interstellus Ionic International Telephone Input V2
This is a continuation of the original project from azzamasghar1 ( which includes new features and some much requested features
Supported Ionic Versions
- Ionic 4 (>=4.0.0)
- Ionic 5 (>=5.0.0)
Getting Started
Step 1: Install it.
Install Independently
npm install ion-intl-tel-v2 --save
Or Install with All dependencies
npm install ion-intl-tel-v2 ionic-selectable flag-icons google-libphonenumber --save
Add flag styles
Add the following to your styles
array of project in angular.json
(located in projects root directory).
"input": "node_modules/flag-icons/sass/flag-icons.scss"
Step 2: Import it.
First, import IonIntlTelInputModule
to your app.module.ts
that is normally located in src\app\app.module.ts
import { IonIntlTelInputModule } from 'ion-intl-tel-v2';
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
Note: Additionally, if you are using lazy loaded pages. Check if your pages have a module file, for example, home.module.ts
, and if they do then import IonIntlTelInputModule
to each page module too.
import { IonIntlTelInputModule } from 'ion-intl-tel-v2';
import { HomePage } from './home';
declarations: [
imports: [
export class HomePageModule { }
Step 3: Add it to template.
a. Usage with Template Driven Forms
<ion-label position="stacked">Tel Input</ion-label>
#phoneNumberControl="ngModel" >
b. Usage with Reactive Forms
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<ion-label position="floating">Tel Input</ion-label>
formControlName="phoneNumber" >
Step 4: Configure it.
a. Usage with Template Driven Forms
@Component({ ... })
export class HomePage {
phoneNumber = '';
constructor() { }
b. Usage with Reactive Forms
@Component({ ... })
export class HomePage implements OnInit {
formValue = {phoneNumber: '', test: ''};
form: FormGroup;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
this.form = new FormGroup({
phoneNumber: new FormControl({
value: this.formValue.phoneNumber
get phoneNumber() { return this.form.get('phoneNumber'); }
onSubmit() {
Step 5: Add validation.
a. Usage with Template Driven Forms
<ion-label position="stacked">Tel Input</ion-label>
ionIntlTelInputValid >
<div *ngIf="phoneNumberControl.invalid && phoneNumberControl.touched">
<ion-text color="danger" *ngIf="phoneNumberControl.errors.required">
<p class="ion-no-margin"><sub>Phone is required.</sub></p>
<ion-text color="danger" *ngIf="">
<p class="ion-no-margin"><sub>Phone is not valid.</sub></p>
b. Usage with Reactive Forms
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
<ion-label position="floating">Tel Input</ion-label>
formControlName="phoneNumber" >
<div *ngIf="phoneNumber.invalid && phoneNumber.touched">
<ion-text color="danger" *ngIf="phoneNumber.errors.required">
<p class="ion-no-margin"><sub>Phone is required.</sub></p>
<ion-text color="danger" *ngIf="">
<p class="ion-no-margin"><sub>Phone number is not valid.</sub></p>
Step 6: Configure validation.
a. Usage with Template Driven Forms
@Component({ ... })
export class HomePage {
phoneNumber = '';
constructor() { }
b. Usage with Reactive Forms
import { IonIntlTelInputValidators } from 'ion-intl-tel-v2';
@Component({ ... })
export class HomePage implements OnInit {
formValue = {phoneNumber: '', test: ''};
form: FormGroup;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
this.form = new FormGroup({
phoneNumber: new FormControl({
value: this.formValue.phoneNumber
}, [
get phoneNumber() { return this.form.get('phoneNumber'); }
onSubmit() {
Translation support
create .json file in your app in assets/i18n/{lang}.json. That file should have following structure:
"ngx-intl-tel-input-country": {
"nl": "Nederland"
Fill in translations. Key - iso code ("nl"), and value - translation for country ("Nederland")). If translation is missing English version is used.
| Option | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------------- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| defaultCountryiso | string | NULL | Iso Code of default selected Country. |
| dialCodePrefix | string | + | Determines whether to use 00
or +
as dial code prefix. Available attributes are +
and 00
. |
| enableAutoCountrySelect | boolean | false | Determines whether to select automatic country based on user input. |
| enablePlaceholder | boolean | true | Determines whether an example number will be shown as a placeholder in input. |
| fallbackPlaceholder | string | NULL | A fallaback placeholder to be used if no example number is found for a country. |
| inputPlaceholder | string | NULL | If a custom placeholder is needed for input. If this property is set it will override enablePlaceholder
and only this placeholder will be shown. |
| maxLength | string | 15 | Maximum Length for input. |
| dropdownPlaceholder | string | Country | Placeholder for the select dropdown. |
| modalTitle | string | Select Country | Title of modal opened to select country dial code. |
| modalItemIconSlot | string | start | Sets the selection icon to either the start or end of the ion-item. |
| modalCssClass | string | NULL | CSS class to attach to dial code selection modal. |
| modalSearchPlaceholder | string | Enter country name | Placeholder for input in dial code selection modal. |
| modalCloseText | string | Close | Text for close button in dial code selection modal. |
| modalCloseButtonSlot | string | end | Slot for close button in dial code selection modal. Ionic slots are supported. |
| modalCanSearch | boolean | true | Determines whether dial code selection modal should be searchable or not. |
| modalShouldBackdropClose | boolean | true | Determines whether dial code selection modal is closed on backdrop click. |
| modalShouldFocusSearchbar | boolean | true | Determines whether input should be focused when dial code selection modal is opened. |
| modalSearchFailText | string | No countries found | Determines whether input should be focused when dial code selection modal is opened. |
| onlyCountries | string[] | [] | List of iso codes of manually selected countries as string, which will appear in the dropdown. Note: onlyCountries
should be a string array of country iso codes. |
| preferredCountries | string[] | [] | List of iso codes as string of countries, which will appear at the top in dial code selection modal. Note: preferredCountries
should be a string array of country iso codes.
| selectFirstCountry | boolean | true | Determines whether first country should be selected in dial code select or not. |
| separateDialCode | boolean | true | Determines whether to visually separate dialcode into the drop down element. |
| Event Name | Type | Description |
| -------------- | ------------------- | ----------- |
| numberChange | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the Phone number Input is changed. |
| numberBlur | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the Phone number Input is blurred. |
| numberFocus | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the Phone number Input is focused. |
| numberInput | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the user is typing in Phone number Input. |
| codeChange | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the dial code selection is changed. |
| codeOpen | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the dial code selection modal is opened. |
| codeClose | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when the dial code selection modal is closed. |
| codeSelect | EventEmitter<any>
| Fires when a dial code is selected in dial code selection modal. |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Azzam Asghar - Initial work - Azzam Asghar
- MillieOfzo - Continuation v2 - MillieOfzo
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
This project would never have been possible without the following great plugins:
- Ionic Selectable by @eakoriakin
- International Telephone Input for Angular (NgxIntlTelInput) by @webcat12345
- flag-icons by @lipis
So please do go ahead and give them a star for their efforts.