Jquery-ui widget to callback when element is visible on the screen.
Is a jquery-ui widget ( without any ui ) that will call the inView callback in options ( or trigger an event ) when the plugin element has entered the view and the outOfView callback/event when out of view.
In view and out of view
There are two ways that it can come into view. The first is the logical, when it is out of view and comes into view. The second is dependent upon the option initialInView. If initialInView is true and is in view then the callback will be called ( and it will need to go out of view and back in for the callback to be possibly called again.). If it is out of view then it needs to come into view. If initialInView is false and is in view then it will need to go out of view and come into view again. If it is out of view then it will need to come into view.
The plugin will call the outOfView callback when it is either initially out of view ( initialInView does not affect this ) or when is in view and goes out of view.
Number of times the callbacks will be called
If the numTimes option has not been set then it is infinite, otherwise this option value restricts the number of callbacks that will be received. Note that numTimes is compared against the number of times the inView callback is called. When the numTimes has been reached by being in view there will still be the possibility of a final outOfView callback.
The numTimes option can be changed at any time.
Jquery and jquery-ui need to be present.
With callback
initialInView defaults to true. If the element is in view the callback will be called.
//this will be called indefinitely - use data.count if desired
With event
Here the element will have to be out of view and come in to view for the event to be raised. Be sure to bind before applying the plugin.
var pluginElement=$('#someElement').bind("inviewcallbackcallback",function(event,data){
//use data.count if desired
//will be called indefinitely until...
//changing the option at a later date
Overriding the isOnScreen Calculation
Currently the border box of the plugin element determines if the element is in the view port.
JQuery UI 1.9 added the ability for widgets to be redefined. By using this technique it was possible to test the widget easily.
$.widget("tonyhallett.inviewcallback", $.tonyhallett.inviewcallback, {
_isOnScreen:function isOnScreen (el) {
//your implementation
The tests folder contains test.html and tests.js for testing in QUnit.