Inverted is an Inversion of Control container. It uses a separate configuration file to express how classes are instantiated and how they interact. Once these defaults and relationships have been defined, an application context can be created, and instanc
#Inverted: Javascript IOC Container
See for complete end user documentation.
Runs in the browser and Node.js
Download source
Minified (~9.4kb/~3.2kb gzipped)
npm install inverted
In the browser, Inverted depends on a module loader being present. Out of the box it will work with RequireJS or Curl. Inverted uses a module loader to load modules and should be loaded with an AMD module loader itself. For example:
<script src="require.js"></script>
baseUrl: "/src",
paths: {
inverted : "/lib/inverted-min"
require(["inverted", "app-config"], function(inverted, appConfig) {
var appContext = inverted.create(appConfig);
appContext.getProto(["protoId"], function(obj){
##Issues and discussion
Please use the Github issue tracker for this project to raise bugs, feature requests or just ask a question.
##Project organization
###/src Core source code is here, split into two sub directories:
- package Files added to the core source code to create a working build
- inverted The main Inverted JS modules, AppContext and ProtoFactory and various support modules
###/lib Final builds are placed here
###/test Inverted's unit tests written in QUnit (with support from Q2Junit) are here
###/support Additional libraries in Javascript and Java for build and testing
##How to build
Inverted is built using Apache Ant. The build performs the following steps:
- Lints the source code using JSHint.
- Runs the unit tests in Phantom JS
- Concatenates the source files to create an unminified build
- Compresses the unminified build using Google Closure compiler
To perform a build first install Apache Ant on your path and, in the project root directory, run:
or to run a build that includes a version number in the build's source
ant -Dversion=[version]
NB. To run on a system other than Windows you will currently need to update the ant test runner config to point to a platform specific version of Phantom JS
The master branch should be considered as a snapshot of the latest code.
Official releases can be found as tags.
- BREAKING CHANGE AppContext#getProto interface has changed. More than one proto id must be now specified as an array of strings in the first argument. A single proto id may remain as a string
- Added support for mixin dependecies (issue #6)
- Added support for interfaces (issue #3)
- AppContext#getProto now returns a promise with success and failure callbacks (issue #4)
- Improved error handling
- App config now has the option to inject the app context into a proto (#2)
- Now supports circular dependencies