Forked to allow updates to country and region lists.
International Telephone Input React Native
It's an international phone input with phone mask modified and distributed open source by Servewish.
install npm library
npm install international-telephone-input-react-native
İmport library
import IntlPhoneInput from 'international-telephone-input-react-native';
use component
onChangeText = ({dialCode, unmaskedPhoneNumber, phoneNumber, isVerified}) => {
console.log(dialCode, unmaskedPhoneNumber, phoneNumber, isVerified);
render() {
return (
<IntlPhoneInput onChangeText={this.onChangeText} defaultCountry="TR" renderAction={() => <Text>XX</Text>} />
Custom Modal Example
renderCustomModal=(modalVisible, countries, onCountryChange) => (
<Modal visible={modalVisible}>
<SafeAreaView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<TextInput placeholder="Search" />
style={{ flex: 1 }}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({ item }) => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => onCountryChange(item.code)}>
<Text>{item['your language code here for example tr']}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.phoneInput.hideModal()}>
return <IntlPhoneInput
ref={(ref) => this.phoneInput = ref}
Supported Languages | | --- | --- | TR | Turkish | LT | Lithuanian | EN | English | RU | Russian |
prop names |type |default value | comment
--- | --- | --- | ---
lang | String | | Translate country name on modal
placeholder | String | | This prop change the phone input placeholder
defaultCountry | String | TR | You can change your default country code
onChangeText | Function | | This function works when input text is changed
customModal | Function | | Generate your custom modal
phoneInputStyle | Style | | This prop is about the text field's ReactNative.TextInput style
containerStyle | Style | | This prop is about the text field's container style
dialCodeTextStyle | Style | |
flagStyle | Style | |
modalContainer | Style | | This prop is about the modal field's SafeAreaView style.
filterInputStyle | Style | | This prop is about the top of model filter text style
closeButtonStyle | Style | | This prop is about text style of bottom modal
modalCountryItemCountryNameStyle | Style | |
filterText | String | Filter | This is the text of placeholder input of top modal
closeText | String | CLOSE | This prop is about the text of bottom modal
disableCountryChange | Bool | false | This prop is about disable open select country modal
renderAction | Function | | This prop attaching a component right of phone input