A modular visualisation of the earth using layers and d3 projections
Interactive Earth
Inspired by earth wind map. A modular visualisation of the earth using layers and d3 projections.
This repo has inspiration code from earth which will eventually be removed. This codebase simply groups together layers and provides a 'layer diff' technique for fast reordering and rerendering of layers.
See the Interactive Earth Handbook for an example of how to group interactive-earth modules together into a visualisation.
// compute
var d3 = require('d3');
var quadtiles = require('d3-quadtiles');
var projection = d3.geo.orthographic()
.rotate([-150, 25])
.translate([300, 240])
.clipExtent([[0, 0], [600, 480]]);
var quadtiles = require('d3-quadtiles');
var quad = quadtiles(projection, { maxtiles: 32, maxzoom: 18 });
// ui
var el = document.querySelector('#map');
var interactiveEarth = require('interactive-earth');
var earth = interactiveEarth(el, { classname: 'earth' });
var tiles = require('interactive-earth-tiles');
var naturalearth = tiles({ url: '//{subdomain}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' });
var layers = [];
layers.push(['tiles', naturalearth]);
// every update or frame
earth.render(layers, projection, quad);
Each layer is indexed by a string id which is used to update the correct dom element.